
Displaying 4731 - 4740 of 5578

Panama - Water Supply and Sewerage Project

This is a performance audit of two irrigation projects in Mexico, similar in nature and scope, the Panuco and Rio Sinaloa Projects. This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR)in…

Nicaragua - Eighth Power and Earthquake Reconstruction Projects

This is a performance audit of two irrigation projects in Mexico, similar in nature and scope, the Panuco and Rio Sinaloa Projects. This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR)in…

Gambia - Education Project

This is a performance audit of two irrigation projects in Mexico, similar in nature and scope, the Panuco and Rio Sinaloa Projects. This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR)in…

Togo - Maritime Region Rural Development Project; and Rural Development Project in Cotton Areas

This is a performance audit of two rural development projects in Togo. The Maritime Region Rural Development Project approved in 1977, was the Bank's second, and the Rural Development…

Cameroon - Cocoa Project

This report is a performance audit on the Cocoa Project in Cameroon. The audit concurs with the principal findings of the PCR and shares its conclusions. Project implementation during…

Cameroun - Cacao Projet

This report is a performance audit on the Cocoa Project in Cameroon. The audit concurs with the principal findings of the PCR and shares its conclusions. Project implementation during…

Togo - Projet de Développement Rural de la Région Maritime ; Et Projet de Développement Rural Dans Les Zones Cotonnières

This is a performance audit of two rural development projects in Togo. The Maritime Region Rural Development Project approved in 1977, was the Bank's second, and the Rural Development…

Zimbabwe - Manufacturing Rehabilitation Imports Program Project

This is a performance audit of two rural development projects in Togo. The Maritime Region Rural Development Project approved in 1977, was the Bank's second, and the Rural Development…

Morocco - Souss Groundwater Project

This is a performance audit of two rural development projects in Togo. The Maritime Region Rural Development Project approved in 1977, was the Bank's second, and the Rural Development…

Papua New Guinea - Education Project

This is a performance audit of two rural development projects in Togo. The Maritime Region Rural Development Project approved in 1977, was the Bank's second, and the Rural Development…