
Displaying 2441 - 2450 of 5577

Rationales and Results in Secondary Education Investments:
A Review of the World Bank's Portfolio, 1990-2001

For projects completed from 1990 to 2001 - the subject of this review - the distribution of lending broadly conformed with the Bank's strategy of supporting secondary education in countries that had already achieved…

Kenya: Country Assistance Evaluation

This country assistance evaluation for Kenya draws the following conclusions. First, the focus on governance in the 1998 strategy was appropriate. Second, some progress was made in economic governance reforms but…

Zimbabwe: Country Assistance Evaluation

The Zimbabwe experience provides four lessons. First, given the necessity of macroeconomic stability, especially achieving fiscal sustainability, the Bank should have undertaken a PER prior to 1995, should have been…

Eritrea: Country Assistance Evaluation (Reach)

The Government of newly independent Eritrea quickly created a foundation for sustainable broad-based growth, but revived hostilities with Ethiopia brought significant damage, a new wave of dislocations, and the collapse…

The Determinants Of Child Health And Nutrition:
A Meta-Analysis

The reduction of infant and child death is one of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In addition, one of the Goal 1 indicators is child malnutrition (Table 1). A central question for the development…

Armenia - Irrigation Rehabilitation Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) prepared by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) for the Armenia Irrigation Rehabilitation Project. The project was approved in December 1994 for an IDA…

Lithuania - Country Assistance Evaluation (Reach)

Since 1990 Lithuania has overcome serious structural problems and transitioned successfully to a market economy. Recent GDP growth has been strong, driven by a newly created private sector and close links to EU and…

Books, Buildings, and Learning Outcomes: An Impact Evaluation of World Bank Support To Basic Education in Ghana

The main questions addressed in the OED study are: (1) what has happened to educational outputs (school attendance and learning); (2) what are the main determinants of those outputs; (3) which educational interventions…

Brazil - First and Second AIDS and STD Control Projects

Pouco tempo depois de os primeiros casos de AIDS serem diagnosticados no Brasil, em 1982, tanto a sociedade civil quanto os governos estaduais e federal iniciaram ações para conter o crescimento da epidemia de HIV.…

Brasil primeiro e segundo projetos de controle de AIDS e DST

AIDS I and II have had limited success in strengthening Brazil's surveillance of HIV infection and of behaviors among priority populations. This has undermined Brazil's ability to…