
Displaying 4571 - 4580 of 5577

Pakistan - Fauji Fertilizer Project

The Fauji Fertilizer Project in Pakistan was achieved. Bank support to the company through regular, issue-oriented and constructive supervision, and the Bank's willingness to serve as…

Mauritius - Second Development Bank of Mauritius Project

The Fauji Fertilizer Project in Pakistan was achieved. Bank support to the company through regular, issue-oriented and constructive supervision, and the Bank's willingness to serve as…

Ivory Coast - Secondary Centers Water Supply Project

The Secondary Centers Water Supply Project for the Ivory Coast was successful. The project achieved its main objectives, institutional development was negligible, sustainability is…

Ivory Coast - Urban Development Project

The Urban Development Project for the Ivory Coast was marginally satisfactory. The project achieved some of it objectives, institutional development was modest, sustainability is…

Nicaragua - Urban and Earthquake Reconstruction Projects

The Urban Development Project for the Ivory Coast was marginally satisfactory. The project achieved some of it objectives, institutional development was modest, sustainability is…

Nepal - Kulekhani Hydroelectric Project

The Kulekhani Hydroelectric Project in Nepal was achieved. The execution of the project was difficult, and without the Bank's close involvement, it is likely that there would have…

Sudan - Agricultural Rehabilitation Program

The Kulekhani Hydroelectric Project in Nepal was achieved. The execution of the project was difficult, and without the Bank's close involvement, it is likely that there would have…

Malawi - Shire Valley Agricultural Consolidation Project

The Kulekhani Hydroelectric Project in Nepal was achieved. The execution of the project was difficult, and without the Bank's close involvement, it is likely that there would have…

Morocco - Meknes Agriculture Development Project

This is a project completion report of the Meknes Agriculture Development Project in Morocco. The project was the first Bank Group operations supporting rainfed agriculture in Morocco…

Maroc - Projet de Développement Agricole de Meknès

This is a project completion report of the Meknes Agriculture Development Project in Morocco. The project was the first Bank Group operations supporting rainfed agriculture in Morocco…