
Displaying 2271 - 2280 of 5577

Partnership in Joint Country Assistance Evaluations: A Review of World Bank Experience

In the last few years, OED has partnered with several agencies to produce joint Country Assistance Evaluations (CAEs). The following completed joint CAEs have been undertaken in collaboration with other multilateral…

Bulgaria - Railway Rehabilitation Project

Project ratings for the Bulgaria Railway Rehabilitation Project are as follows: Project outcome is moderately satisfactory; sustainability is non-evaluable; institutional development impact is substantial; Bank…

Romania: Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) examines the relevance and efficacy of World Bank assistance to Romania. It covers the period following the fall of the Ceausescu regime in December 1989 through 2004. Over this…

Russia - Urban Transport and Bridge Rehabilitation Projects

The audit largely concurs with the Implementation Completion Report (ICR) ratings for both projects, on satisfactory project outcomes, (in spite of the ICR Review rating of moderately satisfactory), on modest…

Review Of World Bank Poverty Reduction Programs
Finds Mixed Record Over More Than A Decade (Press Release for 2004 ARDE)

The World Bank must further customize its programs to different countries in order to reduce poverty, according to an annual review released by the independent Operations Evaluation Department (OED). Focusing on 15…

2004 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness: The Bank's Contributions to Poverty Reduction

The Bank has refocused its mission and corporate strategy to help contribute to poverty reduction, based on a two-pillar strategy which emphasizes growth and social issues, including empowerment and security. It has…

2004 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness: The Bank's Contributions to Poverty Reduction (REACH)

The Bank has refocused its mission and corporate strategy to help contribute to poverty reduction, based on a two-pillar strategy which emphasizes growth and social issues, including empowerment and security. It has…

2004 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness: The Bank's Contributions to Poverty Reduction (Executive Summary in Arabic)

The Bank has refocused its mission and corporate strategy to help contribute to poverty reduction, based on a two-pillar strategy which emphasizes growth and social issues, including empowerment and security. It has…

2004 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness: The Bank's Contributions to Poverty Reduction (Executive Summary in Chinese)

The Bank has refocused its mission and corporate strategy to help contribute to poverty reduction, based on a two-pillar strategy which emphasizes growth and social issues, including empowerment and security. It has…

2004 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness: The Bank's Contributions to Poverty Reduction (Executive Summary in French)

The Bank has refocused its mission and corporate strategy to help contribute to poverty reduction, based on a two-pillar strategy which emphasizes growth and social issues, including empowerment and security. It has…