Displaying 2631 - 2640 of 5582
Russian Federation: Country Assistance Evaluation (in Russian)
This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) assesses the development effectiveness of the World Bank's lending and nonlending assistance to the Russian Federation since 1991, a 10-year period of tumultuous political,…
Trinidad-Tobago - Water Sector Institutional Strengthening Project
The overall disappointing performance reflects mainly over-ambitious objectives for such a short implementation period and a government change at the outset which exposed incomplete commitment to the project strategy…
Examen anual de la eficacia en términos de desarrollo: 2002 Progresos hacia el desarrollo: el desafío del milenio
La comunidad del desarrollo ha cerrado filas en torno a los objetivos de desarrollo del milenio (ODM) en una forma sin precedentes. Estos ODM han impulsado la consecución de objetivos de desarrollo
cuantificados y…
ARDE 2002 Atteindre les résultats voulus au plan du développement: le grand enjeu du millénaire
Les objectifs de développement pour le Millénaire (ODM) ont suscité un consensus sans précédent au sein de la communauté du développement. En focalisant l'action sur la réalisation d'objectifs de…
Implementation of Operational Directive 4.20 on Indigenous Peoples: An Evaluation of Results (Phase 2)
This evaluation assesses how the Bank has implemented Operational Directive (OD) 4.20, which calls for the preparation of an Indigenous Peoples Development Plan (IPDP) in investment projects that "affect" indigenous…
Aplicación de la directriz operacional 4.20 sobre poblaciones indígenas: evaluación de los resultados
El objeto de este examen es evaluar la aplicación por el Banco de la directriz operacional 4.20, según la cual es necesario preparar un Plan para el desarrollo de las poblaciones indÃÂgenas (PDPI) en los…
Kazakhstan - Petroleum Technical Assistance Project
Project outcome was moderately satisfactory. The results were mixed, but significant benefits did accrue. The implementing legislation for the petroleum sector was established, but the legislative framework for sector…
Ecuador - Mining Development and Environmental Control Technical Assistance Project
The project's outcome is rated moderately satisfactory. It established a modern regulatory framework for the mining sector and strengthened and restructured the public mining institutions. It made significant…
Burkina Faso - Transport Sector Adjustment Investment Program Project
The assessment rates the project outcome as satisfactory, sustainability as likely, and institutional development impacts as high, and both performances by the Bank, and Borrower as highly satisfactory. Key lessons…
ARDE 2002 - Achieving Development Outcomes: The Millennium Challenge
The development community is aligned around the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in an unprecedented manner. By focusing on the achievement of quantified and time-bound development targets covering income and non-…