
Displaying 3191 - 3200 of 5577

Aid Coordination and Post-Conflict Reconstruction: the West Bank and Gaza Experience

With the Kosovo crisis capturing the world's attention, taking a look back at how the World Bank and the international donor community responded to other post-conflict reconstruction and aid coordination challenges in…

Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from Four Sectors

The Bank completed 287 projects between 1992 and 1997 in Sub-Saharan Africa, at a cost of US$9.6 billion, in four essential sectors: agriculture, education, health and nutrition, and urban and rural infrastructure. The…

Land Administration & Rural Development: Two Cases from Thailand

Experience in Thailand sheds light on one of the key dimensions of land administration: its contribution to improving natural resource management and reducing rural poverty. The two projects under review were separate…

Capacity Building in the Agricultural Sector in Africa (brief)

Capacity building has risen high on the African development agenda. The Bank, with other donors, is seeking appropriate means to work with African governments to enhance their capacity to implement development programs…

Administration foncière et développement rural : deux exemples venus de Thaïlande

'EXPÉRIENCE DE LA THAÏLANDE MET EN LUMIÈRE une dimension importante de l'administration foncière : la façon dont elle peut améliorer la gestion des ressources Lnaturelles et contribuer à réduire…

Administración de tierras y desarrollo rural: Dos casos en Tailandia

La experiencia de Tailandia arroja luz sobre uno de los aspectos fundamentales de la administración de tierras: su contribución al mejoramiento de la gestión de los recursos naturales y a la reducción de la…

Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Development in Africa

A high-level seminar held in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, in November 1998, brought together teams of senior officials from 12 African countries and 21 international development assistance agencies. Their task was to look…

Case Study Evaluations - Working Paper #2


Transport in Indonesia

When the Bank designed a set of projects in the mid-1980s to strengthen Indonesia's transport infrastructure, which was becoming overburdened by the country's rapid economic growth, efforts focused on the technical…

Health Care in Brazil: Addressing Complexity

World Bank health programs in Brazil have been relevant, but results have been uneven, according to a recent study by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED). Bank-supported programs have helped to control the spread…