
Displaying 971 - 980 of 5577

Ghana - Statistical Development Project

Following the declaration of the Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics in November 2004, and with a growing global consensus on the need to build and broaden the statistical capacity of developing countries, the…

Tanzania - Second Social Action Fund Project

This PPAR evaluates the performance of the second Tanzania Social Action Fund project (TASAF II, P085786), a community-development fund project, approved by the Board of Executive Directors of the International…

Niger - Institutional Strengthening and Health Sector Support Project

This report assesses the performance of two projects: the Institutional Strengthening and Health Sector Support Project (ISHSSP) (supported by an International Development Association (IDA) credit of SDR 24.2 million…

Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of - Public Expenditure Policy-based Guarantee Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) evaluates the public expenditure policy-based guarantee (PEPEG) provided to the Former Yugoslav Republic (FYR) of Macedonia in the amount of $155 million implemented…
The Role of Political Economy Analysis in Development Policy Operations

The Role of Political Economy Analysis in Development Policy Operations

This learning product reviews the extent to which political economy analysis (PEA) is used to improve the design of development policy operations (DPOs) and how effective it has been. The learning product draws on the…

Zambia - Public Sector Management Program Support Project

This PPAR evaluates the World Bank's Public Sector Management Program Support Project (PSMP-SP) for the second phase of the public service reform program in Zambia. The project was approved on May 1, 2006, and closed…

The World Bank Group’s Support for Shared Prosperity (Approach Paper)

The Development Committee in October 2013 endorsed the new World Bank Group (WBG) strategy comprising the twin goals of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity in every developing country (see World Bank…
ieg live event on land administration

IEG LIVE Land Administration and Poverty: The World Bank Group's Experience

Land is a critically important asset that underpins most economic activities. Land use and land rights are central to the work of the World Bank Group and to eradicating poverty, building shared prosperity, and…

Malawi - Third Social Action Fund and Second Phase of Adaptable Program Lending Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) evaluates the performance of the Third Malawi Social Action Fund Project, APL II (MASAF 3 APL II, P110446), a community development fund project, approved by the World…

Ghana - Economic Governance and Poverty Credit, and Seventh and Eighth Poverty Reduction Support Credits Projects

This Program Performance Assessment Report evaluates three consecutive development policy operations (DPOs) in Ghana during 2009-12. The World Bank committed $300 million in 2009 through a two-tranche Economic…