
Displaying 2961 - 2970 of 5577

Gender and Labor Markets in Transition Countries (Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region workshop)

The Operations Evaluation Department (OED) and the Gender and Development Board (GDB), along with the Regional Vice-Presidencies and other development partners, organized gender workshops in Manila, Nairobi, Quito, and…

Evaluating Gender and Development at the World Bank

THE MAJORITY OF THE WORLD'S POOR ARE WOMEN and children. Women provide most of the child care. In many poor countries, they produce half of the food, and they make up a quarter of the work force in industry and a third…

La femme et le développement: une évaluation du rôle de la Banque

La majorité des pauvres sont des femmes et des enfants. Ce sont surtout les femmes qui prennent soin des enfants. Dans beaucoup de pays pauvres, les femmes produisent la moitié de l'alimentation et représentent…

La evaluación de los aspectos relativos al género y el desarrollo en el Banco Mundial

La mayoría de las personas pobres del mundo son mujeres y niños. Las mujeres son las que más se dedican al cuidado de los niños. En muchos países pobres, ellas producen la mitad de los alimentos y…

Arabic Foreword and Executive Summary for the 2000 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness


Chinese Foreword and Executive Summary for the 2000 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness


French Foreword and Executive Summary for the 2000 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness


German Foreword and Executive Summary for the 2000 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness


Japanese Foreword and Executive Summary for the 2000 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness
