
Displaying 1771 - 1780 of 5577

Sierra Leone - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) for the period FY2006-FY2009 : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the Sierra Leone Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) 2006-2009 as well as of its Progress Report (CPSPR), completed in 2008. It also assesses…

An IEG Assessment of the World Bank Group's Response to the Global Economic Crisis: Phase II

This Approach Paper outlines the planned coverage of the Global Economic Crisis Phase II evaluation, which will complement work already undertaken. Two sets of factors have shaped the planned coverage and scope of the…

The World Bank Group Response to the Haiti Earthquake: Evaluative Lessons (Evaluation Brief)

As Haiti faces the daunting task of recovery after the devastating earthquake, past experiences provide some lessons. Making a crucial difference to the effectiveness of actions seem to be the nature of the immediate…

Improving Municipal Management for Cities to Succeed (FTB)

This is a Fast Track Brief for IEG's study on Improving Municipal Management for Cities to Succeed. The purpose of this study is to illuminate the scale and scope of Bank support for municipal development and to draw…

Portfolio Review of World Bank Lending for Communicable Disease Control

This working paper reviews the Bank's new commitments for communicable diseases between fiscal years (FY) 1997 and 2006 as an input into the larger IEG evaluation of the Bank's support for HNP over the same period. The…

Evaluation of Social Safety Nets (Approach Paper)

This is an Approach Paper for the Independent Evaluation Group's (IEG) Evaluation of Social Safety Nets. Social safety nets (SSNs) are programs designed to protect the poor and vulnerable from shocks that may confront…

Analyzing the Effects of Policy Reforms on the Poor: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of World Bank Support to Poverty and Social Impact Analyses

The World Bank introduced the Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) approach in fiscal 2002 to help governments and the Bank anticipate and address the possible consequences of proposed policy reforms, especially on…

Evaluation of Trust Funds in the World Bank's Support for Development (Approach Paper)

This is an Approach Paper for the Evaluation of Trust Funds in the World Bank's Support for Development. The international aid architecture has evolved considerably in recent years reflecting the emergence of new donors…

Gender and Development: An Evaluation of World Bank Support, 2002-08

The 2000 Millennium Development Goals shifted the focus of gender development aid away from females as disadvantaged relative to males and more toward gender equality. In 2001 the World Bank adopted a gender equality…

World Bank Engagement at the State Level: The Cases of Brazil, India, Nigeria, and Russia

Beginning in the late 1990s, the World Bank significantly expanded its engagement at the state level in Brazil, India, Nigeria, and Russia. World Bank Engagement at the State Level is a pilot cross-country study that…