
Displaying 891 - 900 of 5577
Improving Children's Learning and School Participation in Developing Countries – What Works?

Improving Children's Learning and School Participation in Developing Countries – What Works?

The World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) and the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) are hosting a panel discussion on the value of 3ie’s recent systematic review on education effectiveness…
Industry Policy and Jobs - Are We Missing the Point?

Industry Policy and Jobs - Are We Missing the Point?

Industrialization can contribute significantly to growth. And yet despite the potential, many countries, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, are experiencing deindustrialization at a rate that threatens hundreds of…

Kingdom of Cambodia : Public Financial Management and Accountability Project

The World Bank extended support to Cambodia through the Public Financial Management and Accountability Project (PFMAP) during a time when 30 percent of the population lived below the poverty line, human development…
Improving Urban Transport: 5 Lessons from Senegal

Improving Urban Transport: 5 Lessons from Senegal

This brief captures the lessons learned from evaluating the World Bank’s Senegal Urban Mobility Improvement Project.
capital markets blog, what works ieg blog

Can Capital Markets Bridge the Trillion Dollar Development Financing Gap?

What insights can we draw from the World Bank Group’s own experience in supporting capital markets in developing countries?
Lessons from Policy-Based Guarantees

Lessons from Policy-Based Guarantees

This report by the Independent Evaluation Group looks at the World Bank Group’s experience with implementing policy based guarantees – a relatively new and important tool in development finance. The paper looks at the…
the world bank group and electricity access at a glance, ieg infographic electricity access

The World Bank and Electricity Access - At A Glance

Assessing the World Bank Group's support to client countries moving toward universal energy access goals.
industry competitiveness and jobs, ieg thematic and sector evaluation

Industry Competitiveness and Jobs

Industry competitiveness can be enhanced through several different approaches including economy wide, industry specific, or a mix of economy wide with industry specific. This evaluation focuses on industry specific…

The World Bank Group's Support to Capital Market Development

The World Bank Group’s contributions towards client countries’ capital market development comes at a strategic juncture when Bank Group commitment to help mobilize long term finance for development has grown…

An Evaluation of World Bank Group Support to Health Services (Approach Paper)

Health services (HS) are crucial for development. HS include all services dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of disease, or the promotion, maintenance and restoration of health. They include personal and non-…