
Displaying 3751 - 3760 of 5577

Uganda - Second Economic Recovery Credit

The Gueckdou Agricultural Development (GAD) and First Agricultural Services (FAS) Projects for Guinea were rated unsatisfactory. The projects only partially achieved their objectives…

India - Second Uttar Pradesh Public Tubewells Project

The Gueckdou Agricultural Development (GAD) and First Agricultural Services (FAS) Projects for Guinea were rated unsatisfactory. The projects only partially achieved their objectives…

Thailand - Bangchak Petroleum Company Restructuring Project

The Gueckdou Agricultural Development (GAD) and First Agricultural Services (FAS) Projects for Guinea were rated unsatisfactory. The projects only partially achieved their objectives…

Tunisia - Export Industries Project

The Gueckdou Agricultural Development (GAD) and First Agricultural Services (FAS) Projects for Guinea were rated unsatisfactory. The projects only partially achieved their objectives…

Pakistan - Baluchistan Minor Irrigation and Agricultural Development Project

The Baluchistan Minor Irrigation and Agricultural Development Project for Pakistan was satisfactory. The project achieved most its objectives, its impact has been substantial,…

Uganda - Second and Third Technical Assistance Projects

The Baluchistan Minor Irrigation and Agricultural Development Project for Pakistan was satisfactory. The project achieved most its objectives, its impact has been substantial,…

Trinidad and Tobago - Structural Adjustment Loan

The Baluchistan Minor Irrigation and Agricultural Development Project for Pakistan was satisfactory. The project achieved most its objectives, its impact has been substantial,…

Kenya - Export Development Project

The Export Development Project for Kenya was satisfactory. The project achieved most of its objectives, its impact on institutional development was modest, sustainability is uncertain…

Morocco - First and Second Structural Adjustment Loans Projects

The Export Development Project for Kenya was satisfactory. The project achieved most of its objectives, its impact on institutional development was modest, sustainability is uncertain…

China - Rubber and Forestry Development Projects

The Export Development Project for Kenya was satisfactory. The project achieved most of its objectives, its impact on institutional development was modest, sustainability is uncertain…