
Displaying 111 - 120 of 5577

Brazil : Sustainable Production in Areas Previously Converted to Agricultural Use Project

This is a Project Performance Assessment Report by the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank Group on the Sustainable Production in Areas Previously Converted to Agricultural…
Aerial view of Maputo, capital city of Mozambique. Photo: Sopotnicki/ Shutterstock

The World Bank Group in Mozambique: Lessons from a success story gone awry

An evaluation of the World Bank’s engagement in Mozambique between 2008 and 2021 finds that purely technical solutions to development challenges are unlikely to achieve desired results unless governance constraints are…
O Grupo Banco Mundial em Moçambique: lições de uma história de sucesso que se desviou

O Grupo Banco Mundial em Moçambique: lições de uma história de sucesso que se desviou

Graças ao seu forte crescimento económico e a medidas de redução da pobreza, Moçambique foi um caso de sucesso de desenvolvimento até 2016.  Nas duas décadas após o fim da guerra civil que terminou em 1992, o…
The World Bank Group in Mozambique, Fiscal Years 2008–21. Photo: shutterstock / Yury Birukov

The World Bank Group in Mozambique, Fiscal Years 2008–21

This evaluation assesses the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s engagement with Mozambique during Fiscal Years 2008-21.
Reader publication

An Evaluation of World Bank Group Support to Jobs and Labor Market Reform through International Development Association Financing (Approach Paper)

The International Development Association (IDA) has included jobs as a special theme since the 17th Replenishment of IDA (IDA17) in 2014, when it explicitly recognized the role played by labor markets in intermediating…

Evaluation of the World Bank’s Support to Procurement and Its Principles (Approach Paper)

In 2015, the World Bank approved a new procurement framework with the aim of reforming its approach to procurement. The overall objective was to enhance the World Bank’s development effectiveness, continue to exercise…

Somalia Country Program Evaluation (Approach Paper)

The Somalia Country Program Evaluation (CPE) will assess the evolution of the World Bank Group’s support over fiscal years (FY)13–22 and the extent to which the Bank Group adequately prepared for an eventual…
Evaluation Insight Note: Implementation Lessons from World Bank Operations in Supporting Indigenous Peoples

Evaluation Insight Note: Implementation Lessons from World Bank Operations in Supporting Indigenous Peoples

Evaluation Insight Notes (EIN) offer new insights from existing evidence on important strategic and operational issues. This EIN draws on Independent Evaluation Group evidence to identify lessons for working with…
The Statue of Justice symbol. Photo: r.classen/Shutterstock

Взвешенная оценка реформ в секторе правосудия

Учитывая сложность поставленных задач и широкий круг заинтересованных сторон, участвующих в реформе сектора правосудия, Независимая группа оценки (IEG) и Всемирный банк провели анализ, с целью выявления удачного и…
The Statue of Justice symbol. Photo: r.classen/Shutterstock

Weighing the evidence on justice sector reform

In view of the complex goals and range of stakeholders involved in justice sector reform, the Independent Evaluation Group and the World Bank reviewed evidence from past support to identify lessons on what worked, what…