Displaying 3711 - 3720 of 5582
The World Bank and Irrigation
This book provides an independent and comprehensive review of World Bank irrigation lending and policy between 1948 and 1993. The overall performance record is good, but there is room for improvement. The report finds…
Structural Adjustment Lending to Poland: A Window of Opportuntity
Préstamo para fines de ajuste estructural para Polonia: fuente de oportunidades El programa de transformación económica de Polonia, emprendido en 1990, fue un intento sin precedente de estabilizar y liberalizar…
Apoyo del Banco Mundial al desarrollo agrícola en Rumania
Tres grandes proyectos agrÃcolas aprobados por el Banco a principios de la década de 1980 fueron formulados y aplicados por el régimen socialista entonces vigente en Rumania. En esas fechas, se los consideró muy…
Nigeria - Kano and Sokoto Agricultural Development Projects
This text evaluates the project impact on agricultural productivity and real incomes of farm families through improved technology, increased supplies of farm inputs, and infrastructure improvements. There is special…
Bangladesh, India and Pakistan - Seed Projects
This work reviews the systems approach to agro-industry: seed breeding, multiplication, processing, marketing, and certification. The focus is on a creative institutional obsolescence strategy that promotes…
Argentina - First Housing Sector Project
The Mardan Salinity Control and
Reclamation Project (SCARP) in Pakistan was achieved. The
project suffered major implementation delays as did other
rural infrastructure projects being…
India - Krishna-Godavari Petroleum Exploration Project
The Mardan Salinity Control and
Reclamation Project (SCARP) in Pakistan was achieved. The
project suffered major implementation delays as did other
rural infrastructure projects being…