
Displaying 3171 - 3180 of 5577

Brazil - Rio Flood Reconstruction and Prevention Project

The audit for Rio Flood Reconstruction and Prevention Project differs from the implementation completion report only in the area of Bank Performance, which is rated as satisfactory (…

India - Second National Dairy Project

The project outcome is rated satisfactory, and sustainability is likely. The National Dairy Development Board was perceptive of the need for extensions as project progressed, as well…

Morocco - Agricultural Sector Investment Loan Project (ASIL I)

The audit for the Agricultural Sector Investment Loan (ASIL) differs from the implementation completion report in all areas, rating the project as unsatisfactory overall with an…

Indonesia - Technical Assistance Project for Public and Private Provision of Infrastructure (TAP4I)

The project generated a satisfactory outcome although a portion (about 20 percent) of its initial funding was canceled. The following were the lessons learned: Counterpart funding…

Uganda - Agricultural Sector Adjustment Credit Project

This was a very successful project although there was no formal monitoring and evaluation program in the project design. There are four lessons emerging from this project which are…

Brazil - Water Project for Municipalities and Low-Income Areas Project

The project outcome is rated as marginally satisfactory, sustainability as likely, and institutional development impact as substantial. The World Bank's performance was satisfactory.…

Poland - Environmental Management Project

The audit concurs with the implementation completion report in the highly successful rating for the Environmental Management Project. The project's success was due, in good part, to…

India - Madras Water Supply and Sanitation Project

The audit for the Madras Water Supply and Sanitation Project agrees with the implementation completion report (ICR) findings. The report draws the following lessons from the project.…

Romania - Transport Project

While the project encountered implementation difficulties--mainly because of engineering weaknesses that led to delays and cost increases--and the length of road works was less than…

Côte d'Ivoire: Country Assistance Review

This Country Assistance Review examines World Bank assistance to Côte d'Ivoire over the past three decades in the following contexts: traditional investment lending in a fast-growing economy until 1980, adjustment…