
Displaying 3071 - 3080 of 5577

Kenya - Health Rehabilitation Project

The audit rates the outcome of the project as marginally unsatisfactory, institutional development impact as modest, and sustainability as uncertain, somehow differing with the…

Macedonia - Transit Facilitation Project

This audit, largely concurs with the Implementation Completion Report ratings of the project outcome as highly satisfactory, with a likely sustainability, and substantial…

Argentina - Financial Sector Adjustment Loan Project

The audit rates the outcome of the project as satisfactory, sustainability as likely, institutional development impact as substantial, and Bank performance as satisfactory, agreeing…

Poverty Reduction in the 1990s: An Evaluation of Strategy and Performance


Gender and Agriculture in Africa: Effective Strategies for Moving Forward (proceedings from UNDP-Africa, World Bank and ISNAR workshop)

The Operations Evaluation Department (OED) and the Gender and Development Board (GDB), along with the Regional Vice-Presidencies and other development partners, organized gender workshops in Manila, Nairobi, Quito, and…

Mexico - High-efficiency Lighting Pilot Trust Fund Project

The audit rates the project as marginally satisfactory, downgrading the Implementation Completion Report (ICR) rating of satisfactory; similarly, the institutional development impact…

Mexico - Environmental Project

The Mexico Environmental Project's overall outcome was marginally unsatisfactory, with likely sustainability and modest institutional development. The audit differed from the…

India - Vocational Education, First and Second Technician Education, and Electronics Industry Development Projects

The audit reviews four education projects in India, focused on expansion, quality, and management of the Technical-vocational education and training (TVET) system. Despite the extreme…

Ghana Country Assistance Evaluation

The report evaluates the World Bank's assistance program in Ghana.

Reforming Foreign Aid: The Role of International Public Goods
