
Displaying 2251 - 2260 of 5577

China - First and Second Ertan Hydroelectric Projects, Sichuan Power Transmission Project, and Zhejiang Power Development Project

Project ratings for the First and Second Ertan Hydroelectric Projects, Sichuan Power Transmission Project, and Zhejiang Power Development Project for China are as follows: For each of…

Turkey - Erzincan Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project, Turkey Emergency Flood and Earthquake Recovery Project, and Emergency Earthquake Recovery Project

Project ratings for the Erzincan Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project, Turkey Emergency Flood and Earthquake Recovery Project, and Emergency Earthquake Recovery…

Saint Lucia - Watershed and Environmental Management, and, Emergency Recovery and Disaster Management Program Projects

Lessons of experience are suggested as follows. The Bank needs to be more involved in the immediate post-emergency period, and it needs to be able to quickly fund activities that do not require detailed preparation, but…

Russia - Housing Project and Enterprise Housing Divestiture Project (EHDP).

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) covers two projects in the Russian Federation. The Housing Project and the Enterprise Housing Divestiture Project (EHDP). This report i s based on the Implementation…

Kenya - Micro and Small Enterprise Training and Technology Project

The project outcome for the Kenya Micro and Small Enterprise Training and Technology Project is moderately unsatisfactory; sustainability is unlikely; institutional development impact is modest; Bank performance is…

Monitoring and Evaluation: Some Tools, Methods, and Approaches (Russian version)

You will find an overview of a sample of M&E tools, methods, and approaches outlined here, including their purpose and use; advantages and disadvantages; costs, skills, and time required; and key references. Those…

Influential Evaluations: Evaluations that Improved Performance and Impacts of Development Programs (in Russian)

When conducted at the right time, and when they focus on key issues of concern to policy makers and managers, and when the results are presented in a user-friendly format, evaluations can provide a highly cost-effective…

Tanzania - Secod Port Modernization and Railway Restructuring Projects

The audit concurs overall with the Implementation Completion Report's (ICR) ratings of satisfactory project outcome, likely sustainability, substantial institutional development impacts, and satisfactory performances by…

Romania - Railway Rehabilitation Project

The audit largely concurs with the Implementation Completion Report ratings of the Romania Railway Rehabilitation Project, i.e., on a highly satisfactory project outcome, highly likely sustainability, and high…

Ukraine - Danube Delta Biodiversity Project

The audit provides mixed ratings, for while it downgrades the project outcome to moderately satisfactory and sustainability to unlikely, it concurs with the Implementation Completion Report ratings of substantial…