
Displaying 4501 - 4510 of 5579

Guinea - Education Project

The Education Project for Guinea was rated good. The project was well implemented, most objectives were achieved, institutional development has been substantial, and both the Bank and…

Bangladesh - Barisal and Karnafuli Irrigation and the First Rural Development Projects

The Education Project for Guinea was rated good. The project was well implemented, most objectives were achieved, institutional development has been substantial, and both the Bank and…

Nepal - First and Second Water Supply and Sewerage Projects

The First and Second Water Supply and Sewerage (WSSB) Projects in Nepal encountered limited progress in achieving the objectives. The First Project was completed with considerable…

Mali - Second Education and Training Project

The First and Second Water Supply and Sewerage (WSSB) Projects in Nepal encountered limited progress in achieving the objectives. The First Project was completed with considerable…

Dominica - Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Project

The First and Second Water Supply and Sewerage (WSSB) Projects in Nepal encountered limited progress in achieving the objectives. The First Project was completed with considerable…

Brazil - Urban Transport Project

The First and Second Water Supply and Sewerage (WSSB) Projects in Nepal encountered limited progress in achieving the objectives. The First Project was completed with considerable…

Côté d'Ivoire - Projet d'heveaculture de la SAPH

The SAPH Rubber Project for the Ivory Coast was successful. The project achieved its objectives, its impact on institutional development has been significant, sustainability is…

Malaysia - National Small Scale Irrigation Project

The SAPH Rubber Project for the Ivory Coast was successful. The project achieved its objectives, its impact on institutional development has been significant, sustainability is…

Cote d'lvoire - SAPE Rubber Project

The SAPH Rubber Project for the Ivory Coast was successful. The project achieved its objectives, its impact on institutional development has been significant, sustainability is…

Korea - Heavy Machinery Project

The SAPH Rubber Project for the Ivory Coast was successful. The project achieved its objectives, its impact on institutional development has been significant, sustainability is…