Displaying 2641 - 2650 of 5582
Sri Lanka - Country assistance strategy : OED comments on CAS completion report
This brief review of the progress
towards the Bank's Country Assistance Strategy
objectives and of the Sri Lanka CAS CR has yielded the
following six main findings and recommendations…
Cote d'Ivoire - Railway Rehabilitation Project
The PAR rates the project outcome satisfactory, institutional development high, and sustainability likely. The PAR further rates Bank performance highly satisfactory and borrower performance satisfactory. Sustainability…
La Iniciativa para los PPME: Situación y perspectivas
La Iniciativa para la reducción de la deuda de los paÃÂses pobres muy endeudados (PPME) âdestinada a aliviar la pesada carga que representa la deuda externa para algunos de los paÃÂses más pobresâ fue…
A Iniciativa HIPC (PPME): Progresso e Perspectivas Futuras
A iniciativa para AlÃÂvio da DÃÂvida dos PaÃÂses Pobres Muito Endividados (HIPC) - concebida para reduzir o elevado ónus da dÃÂvida externa de algumas das nações mais pobres - foi posta a vigorar pelo…
The HIPC Initiative: Progress and Prospects (Precis)
The Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Debt Initiative -
designed to relieve the high external debt burdens of some of the poorest nations - was put in place by the World Bank and the IMF in 1996; an expanded,…
Développement mené par la communauté : Leçons tirées du Sahel Une étude analytique
Au cours des années 90, la Banque mondiale a commencé àdonner plus d'importance àla participation communautaire dans le processus de développement et, quand le Rapport sur le développement dans le…
Community-Driven Development: Lessons from the Sahel (An Analytical Review)
During the 1990s the Bank began to increase its emphasis on community participation in development, and after the World Development Report 2000/2001 highlighted the importance of participation to poverty reduction, the…
2002 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness - Achieving Development Outcomes: The Millennium Challenge (metapage)
This year's Annual Review of Development Effectiveness "Achieving Development Outcomes: The Millennium Challenge"
(ARDE 2002) assesses, using recent evaluation evidence, how the World Bank's country, sector, and global…