
Displaying 3271 - 3280 of 5577

Nigeria - Country assistance strategy (CAS) completion report review

The Bank resumed its assistance in 1998-99 after Nigeria's peaceful transition from military rule. The government sought private sector led growth and identified corruption and…

1998 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness

The ongoing financial crisis has raised questions about the underpinnings of development assistance and the role of international financial institutions. A new development assistance framework, grounded in partnership,…

Jamaica: Country Assistance Note

Jamaica has had negative per capita gross domestic product growth for much of the last quarter of a century, despite active involvement of the Bank. Three structural adjustment and five sectoral adjustment loans since…

Building Institutions and Financing Local Development: Lessons from Brazil and the Philippines


Ghana - Second Education Sector Adjustment Credit Project

The overall outcome of the project is rated as marginally unsatisfactory; sustainability as uncertain; institutional development as modest; borrower performance as unsatisfactory; and…

Ghana - Community Secondary Schools Construction Project

The project outcome is rated as marginally satisfactory, sustainability as unlikely, institutional development as modest, Borrower performance as satisfactory, and Bank performance as…

Bolivia - Power Rehabilitation Project

The overall project outcome is rated as satisfactory, borrower performance as satisfactory, institutional development as high, sustainability as likely, and Bank performance as…

Development Effectiveness, 1998: Opportunities in a Volatile Environment

The results of World Bank operations have continued to improve steadily. More than three-quarters of development projects supported by the Bank have achieved satisfactory outcomes, including 7 percent rated as…

Meeting the Health Care Challenges in Zimbabwe

The world Bank has usually "done the right thing" in the Zimbabwe health sector, but has not always "done things right," according to a recent Operations Evaluation Department (OED) study. Bank policy advice and…

Filipinas: Crisis y oportunidades (Brief)

Con el firme apoyo de donantes e instituciones financieras internacionales, que incluyó cinco operaciones para fines de ajuste estructural financiadas por el Banco Mundial, los gobiernos de Aquino y Ramos han…