
Displaying 3291 - 3300 of 5577

Post-Conflict Reconstruction: El Salvador

The war resulted in about 80,000 deaths; thousands more wounded and disabled; a half million displaced; and the flight of roughly a million Salvadorans to the US. The civil war in El Salvador stems, at least in part,…

Philippines : Crise et perspectives

Avec le ferme soutien des institutions internationales et de la communauté des bailleurs de fonds, notamment à travers cinq opérations d'ajustement structurel financées par la Banque mondiale, les…

Disaster Assistance

Natural disasters such as Hurricane Mitch are recurrent rather than single events: the same kinds of disasters strike the same nations repeatedly. When the devastation caused by storms or other natural disasters in…

Nepal - Narayani III Irrigation Project, Sunsari Morang Irrigation II Project, and Sunsari Morang Headworks Project

This audit rates the performance of the Narayani III Irrigation, Sunsari Morang Irrigation II, and Sunsari Morang Headworks Projects for Nepal. The Narayani III Irrigation Project was…

A Borrower's View of the World Bank: Is It Effective?

A Gallup survey of borrowing countries' views and an OED study* "The Effectiveness of the Bank's Appraisal Process: An OED Study," by Alain Barbu, Report No. 17167, November 13, 1997. Available from. . . reviewed the…

The Philippines: From Crisis To Opportunity

This Country Assistance Review examines the Bank's assistance to the Philippines since 1986, a turning point in the economic and social policy history of the country. During the past dozen years, the Bank assistance…

1997 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness

The results of World Bank operations have been improving steadily since 1994 and may soon reach the highest performance levels of the past 15 years, according to OED's Annual Review of Development Effectiveness (ARDE…

Post-Conflict Reconstruction

The aftermath of growing conflicts in the 1990s has tested the ability of the international community to address the devastation of economic, physical, human, and social capital. The World Bank has increased the volume…

Thaïlande : secteur des transports et développement institutionnel

Depuis 1950, la Banque mondiale a aidé la Thaïlande à financer 25 projets de transport. Le Département de l'évaluation des opérations (OED) a étudié cinq de ces opérations, approuvées entre 1983 et 1990, et…

Financial Sector Reform: Improving Country Outcomes and Bank Performance

An OED study of World Bank financial sector assistance endorses an emerging wisdom—that sectoral reform is a long, complex process that requires a sustained commitment by the Bank. Today, as the Asian crisis unfolds…