
Displaying 121 - 130 of 5577

Making Waves : An Evaluation of the World Bank’s Support for the Blue Economy (2012–23) (Approach Paper)

Marine and coastal resources are critical for human survival. Oceans provide at least half of the oxygen on Earth. They also regulate the climate by transferring about 10 gigatons of carbon from the atmosphere deep into…
What the COVID-19 response reveals about the future of public health surveillance systems: the good, the not yet known and the absent

What the COVID-19 response reveals about the future of public health surveillance systems: the good, the not yet known and the absent

During the early-stage of the COVID-19 crisis the World Bank and other partners helped countries to implement or improve surveillance systems. But support cannot stop there. There is a need for increased focus on…
World Bank Group Support to Demand-Side Energy Efficiency: An Independent Evaluation

World Bank Group Support to Demand-Side Energy Efficiency

This report assesses the effectiveness and coherence of the World Bank Group’s support to clients on Demand Side Energy Efficiency (DSEE) and the opportunities to scale them up.
Reader publication

Results and Performance of the World Bank Group (RAP) 2023 (Concept Note)

The Results and Performance of the World Bank Group (RAP) report is the annual review of evidence from the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) evaluation and validation work on the development effectiveness of the World…

Guidance Manual for Evaluators: ICR Reviews for Development Policy Financing (DPOs)

This manual provides guidance to evaluators preparing ICRRs on ICRs for development policy finance operations. It provides guidance for, and gives examples of, how to structure ICRRs with respect to content,…

World Bank – a ‘Knowledge Bank’ or a ‘Report Bank’?

Through Advisory Services and Analytics (ASA) the World Bank provides countries with tailored analysis drawn from its wealth of expertise and global experience. However, without a deliberate focus on the use and…

Albania : Competitiveness Development Policy Lending Project

The Albania Competitiveness Development Policy Loan (DPL) was financed by an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loan in the amount of $77.72 million and approved by…
Ecuador: A case study in crisis response. Photo: World Bank

Ecuador: A case study in crisis response

The success of World Bank support to Ecuador during the pandemic can be attributed to several driving factors, and offers lessons for the response to future crises.
Lessons from developing resilient agrifood systems

🎧 Lessons from developing resilient agrifood systems

345 million people in 82 countries were experiencing acute food insecurity by June 2022. Climate change, the Coronavirus pandemic and rising food prices due to the conflict in Ukraine threatened to drive this number…

Côte d’Ivoire : Agriculture Sector Support Project

The Agriculture Sector Support Project (PSAC) in Côte d’Ivoire was conceived in 2010–12 to support government reforms to achieve a more competitive, sustainable, and private sector–…