
Displaying 61 - 70 of 5577
Beautiful top view of the Strait of Gibraltar and residential houses on the mountainside in the medina of Tangier in Morocco, North Africa

La Banque mondiale au Maroc : apprendre et s’adapter pour plus d’impact

Une récente évaluation de IEG livre des enseignements pour la suite du soutien de la Banque mondiale au Maroc et plus généralement sur les clés d’une collaboration efficace avec les pays à revenu intermédiaire.
Beautiful top view of the Strait of Gibraltar and residential houses on the mountainside in the medina of Tangier in Morocco, North Africa

The World Bank in Morocco: Learning & Adapting for Impact

A recent IEG evaluation offers lessons for future support to Morocco and insights on effective engagement with Middle Income Countries.
Birds on sky , growth development business team work concept , art abstract nature background

Lessons for the World Bank Group’s Evolution from the 2018 Capital Increase Package

The independent validation of the World Bank Group’s 2018 capital increase package finds that progress has been made both on improving financial sustainability and on delivering global public goods. The report also…
An african lady using a point of sale device

Can the World Bank Shed More Light on the Outcomes of Its Support for Financial Inclusion?

Better data on who is using and benefitting from financial services could improve understanding of which financial inclusion interventions deliver the greatest benefit to the poor.
blueprint, development, infrastructure

Evaluation Insight Note: Elements That Enhance Institutional Capacity Development in World Bank Projects and Country Partnerships in Sub-Saharan Africa

Evaluation Insight Notes (EIN) offer new insights from existing evidence on important strategic and operational issues. This EIN draws on Independent Evaluation Group evidence to identify lessons for addressing…

Opening Remarks by Director-General, Evaluation, Sabine Bernabè at the Inauguration of IEG@50

IEG@50: REPLAY As prepared for delivery  Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening.  Let me first offer a warm welcome to everyone. Thank you very much for joining us for this inaugural event of…

Allocution d’ouverture de Mme Sabine Bernabè, directrice générale pour l’évaluation, lors de la cérémonie de lancement de IEG@50

IEG@50: REVOIR Seul le prononcé fait foi. Bonjour, bon après-midi ou bonsoir.  Permettez-moi tout d’abord de vous souhaiter à tous une cordiale bienvenue. Merci beaucoup de vous être joints à nous pour…


Celebrating 50 years of independent evaluation at the World Bank
Photo: 3rdtimeluckystudio/Shutterstock

Creating an Enabling Environment for Private Sector Climate Action

This evaluation assesses the Bank Group’s efforts to improve the enabling environment for private sector climate action. 
Reader publication

Always searching for how we can do things better

Before joining the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) in early August of this year, I was a great admirer of its work. IEG has been a global standard setter, in terms of rigor and quality but also as regards the role…