
Displaying 2651 - 2660 of 5577

OED Review of The Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Debt Initiative (Reach)

This review by OED finds the HIPC Initiative highly relevant in addressing a key obstacle facing many poor countries. If the anticipated debt relief is delivered in full, the Initiative will succeed in substantially…

Independence of OED

The extent to which an evaluation unit is independent is a perennial issue in evaluation oversight. A number of official evaluation and audit organizations have addressed this issue and compiled a set of criteria they…

Zimbabwe - Second Structural Adjustment Credit Project

This Project Prformance Assessment Report (PPAR) downgrades the Evaluation Summary outcome rating, from marginally satisfactory to highly unsatisfactory, institutional development from modest to negligible,…

Russian Federation - The First and Second Rehabilitation Loan Projects and the First and Second Structural Adjustment Loan Projects

Given that the objectives of the First Rehabilitation Loan Project were only partially achieved, OED rates its outcome as moderately satisfactory and its institutional development (ID…

Statistical Annex: 2002 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness - Achieving Development Outcomes: The Millennium Challenge

This year's Annual Review of Development Effectiveness "Achieving Development Outcomes: The Millennium Challenge" (ARDE 2002) assesses, using recent evaluation evidence, how the World Bank's country, sector, and global…

ARDE 2002 - "Achieving Development Outcomes: The Millennium Challenge" (Reach)

Having endorsed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Bank has also put in place a corporate strategy aligning Bank Group efforts with the MDGs and providing an overall framework for addressing them. Yet the Bank…

Guide to Conducting Reviews of Organizations Supplying M&E Training

Training in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is a common element of efforts to strengthen country M&E systems. This Guide provides a framework for assessing the quality.strengths and weaknesses.of M&E…

Guide to Conducting Reviews of Organizations Supplying M&E Training

Training in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is a common element of efforts to strengthen country M&E systems. This Guide provides a framework for assessing the quality.strengths and weaknesses.of M&E…

Jordan - Agriculture Sector Adjustment, and Agricultural Sector Technical Support Projects

This audit report somehow differs from the Implementation Completion Report, and Evaluation Summary ' s (ES) assessment, in that it downgrades the outcome ratings of both the Agricultural Sector Adjustment Loan (ASAL),…

Trinidad and Tobago - Environmental Management Project

The loan of US$6.25 million for the Trinidad and Tobago Environmental Management Project (Loan 3863-TR) was approved in 1995. It closed in December 2000 after a one-year extension and an undisbursed balance of US$0.78…