
Displaying 5541 - 5550 of 5577

China - Telecommunication Expansion Program Project

The principal component, the hydroelectric project was completed particularly close to original cost estimates and time schedule. Power planning was very poor, despite the fact that…

New Zealand - Second Railway Project

The principal component, the hydroelectric project was completed particularly close to original cost estimates and time schedule. Power planning was very poor, despite the fact that…

Ethiopia - First Education Project

This is a Performance Audit Report (PAR) on the First Education Project for the Ethiopia. The central project item comprised construction or expansion, and equipping of 77 secondary…

Liberia - Port of Monrovia Dredging Project

The Port of Monrovia Dredging Project in Liberia was achieved. The Bank played an important role in advising the National Port Authority (NPA) in their negotiations for a management…

Spain - First and Second Railway Projects

On the whole, the Modernization Program, that is, the combination of the Investment Plan and the Plan of Action, has succeeded in transforming Spanish Railways (RENFE) from an…

China - Fourth China Development Corporation Project

On the whole, the Modernization Program, that is, the combination of the Investment Plan and the Plan of Action, has succeeded in transforming Spanish Railways (RENFE) from an…

El Salvador - Third Highway Project

This is a project performance audit report of Third Highway Project for El Salvador. The bank's involvement with El Salvador's highway sector began in 1954. When it helped finance…

Senegal - Port of Dakar Project

This is a project performance audit report of Third Highway Project for El Salvador. The bank's involvement with El Salvador's highway sector began in 1954. When it helped finance…

Bolivia - Gas Pipeline Project

This is a project performance audit report of Third Highway Project for El Salvador. The bank's involvement with El Salvador's highway sector began in 1954. When it helped finance…

Yugoslavia - Second Railway Project

This is a project performance audit report of Third Highway Project for El Salvador. The bank's involvement with El Salvador's highway sector began in 1954. When it helped finance…