
Displaying 2491 - 2500 of 5577

Brazil - Country assistance strategy (CAS) completion report review

This review covers Brazil~^!!^s country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) for the period FY2000-03. The Brazil country assistance evaluation (CAE) examined three key…

Sharing Knowledge: Innovationsand Remaining Challenges (IEG Reach)

The Bank's commitment to a comprehensive knowledge initiative was timely and appropriate. It has sparked much innovation that has provided staff, clients, and partners with faster and easier access to Bank knowledge.…

Jordan: Country Assistance Evaluation (Reach)

Jordan's successful stabilization policies of the 1990s were accompanied by donor-supported economic reforms. Nevertheless, real per capita incomes stagnated and the poverty rate remained higher than in the late 1980s…

The CGIAR at 31: An Independent Meta-Evaluation of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (Publication version)

This report on the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is part of an independent review by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) of the World Bank's involvement in global programs, and…

Indonesia - First and Second Policy Reform Support Loans, and Banking Reform Assistance Projects

In a country with deeply rooted and widespread governance issues, where the authorities are not committed to deep reforms, the Bank needs to have realistic expectations about the outcome of its interventions. The…

Guinea - Second, Third, and Fourth Structural Adjustment; Public Enterprise Sector Rationalization & Privatization Technical Assistance; and Financial Sector Adjustment Credit Projects

The five projects examined for Guinea, the Second, Third, And Fourth Structural Adjustment, Public Enterprise Sector Rationalization & Privatization Technical Assistance, and Financial Sector Adjustment Credits have…

Private Sector Development in Electric Power: A Review of
World Bank Group Experience (Reach)

The World Bank Group (WBG) should continue to support private sector development in electric power (PSDE) as a key objective. Well-implemented Bank Group PSDE activities can improve sector efficiency in countries…

Private Sector Development in Electric Power: A Review of
World Bank Group Experience (Reach in Japanese)

The World Bank Group (WBG) should continue to support private sector development in electric power (PSDE) as a key objective. Well-implemented Bank Group PSDE activities can improve sector efficiency in countries…

Zambia - Economic Recovery and Investment Promotion, Second Economic and Social Adjustment, and Public Sector Reform and Export Promotion Credit Projects

The audit downgrades project outcomes by the Implementation Completion Report (ICR), rating the Economic Recovery and Investment Promotion Credit (ERIPC) as moderately satisfactory, the Second Economic and Social…

Knowledge Sharing: Startup of the Development Gateway

Even at this early juncture in its evolution, the Development Gateway's services are well positioned to impact development effectiveness goals and support World Bank programs and knowledge sharing initiatives. As the…