
Displaying 3931 - 3940 of 5577

Ghana - Industrial Sector Adjustment Credit Project

This is a Performance Audit Report (PAR) of the Industrial Sector Adjustment Credit (ISAC) program to the Republic of Ghana. Overall, the project outcome is rated satisfactory, with…

Mexico - Water Supply and Sewerage Projects

This is a Performance Audit Report (PAR) of the Industrial Sector Adjustment Credit (ISAC) program to the Republic of Ghana. Overall, the project outcome is rated satisfactory, with…

Tanzania - Industrial Rehabilitation and Trade Adjustment Program

This is a Performance Audit Report (PAR) of the Industrial Sector Adjustment Credit (ISAC) program to the Republic of Ghana. Overall, the project outcome is rated satisfactory, with…

Korea - First and Second Industrial Finance Projects

This is a Performance Audit Report (PAR) of the Industrial Sector Adjustment Credit (ISAC) program to the Republic of Ghana. Overall, the project outcome is rated satisfactory, with…

Bangladesh - Petroleum Exploration Promotion Project

The principal objectives of the Petroleum Exploration Project for Bangladesh is to: (i) revive the interest and engender the participation of foreign investors in petroleum…

Indonesia - First and Second Private Sector Development Projects

The principal objectives of the Petroleum Exploration Project for Bangladesh is to: (i) revive the interest and engender the participation of foreign investors in petroleum…

Burundi, Rwanda, Zaire - Regional Power Projects

The principal objectives of the Petroleum Exploration Project for Bangladesh is to: (i) revive the interest and engender the participation of foreign investors in petroleum…

Morocco - Housing Loan and Communal Infrastructure Fund Projects

The principal objectives of the Petroleum Exploration Project for Bangladesh is to: (i) revive the interest and engender the participation of foreign investors in petroleum…

A Review of Bank Lending For Agricultural Credit and Rural Finance (1948-1992)

This study reviews the history of World Bank lending for agricultural credit. The main focus is on the late 1970's during which time there was a steady growth and subsequent decline in the size of the lending portfolio…

A Review of Bank Lending For Agricultural Credit and Rural Finance (1948-1992)

This study reviews the history of World Bank lending for agricultural credit. The main focus is on the late 1970's during which time there was a steady growth and subsequent decline in the size of the lending portfolio…