
Displaying 2661 - 2670 of 5577

Implementation of Operational Directive 4.20 on Indigenous Peoples: An Independent Desk Review

This evaluation assesses how the Bank has implemented Operational Directive (OD) 4.20, a policy that aims to protect the interests of Indigenous Peoples (IP). The OD calls for the preparation of an Indigenous Peoples…

Aplicación de la directriz operacional 4.20 sobre poblaciones indígenas: examen documental independiente

El objeto de este examen es evaluar la aplicación por el Banco de la directriz operacional 4.20, cuya finalidad es la protección de los intereses de las poblaciones indígenas. Según la directriz operacional…

Mozambique - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2001-03 : OED review

The operation evaluation department (OED) review of the FY2001-03 country assistance strategy (CAS) program and the CAS completion report (CCR) finds that there was progress towards…

2002 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness - Achieving Development Outcomes: The Millennium Challenge

This year's Annual Review of Development Effectiveness "Achieving Development Outcomes: The Millennium Challenge" (ARDE 2002) assesses, using recent evaluation evidence, how the World Bank's country, sector, and global…

Guatemala: Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) report reviews the Bank ' s assistance strategy for Guatemala from 1985 to 2001, and, looks at whether the assistance dealt with the major issues affecting the economy, and how…

2002 Annual Report on Evaluation Capacity Development

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is necessary to achieve evidence-based policy-making, management, and accountability these uses make M&E invaluable for the effective management of public expenditures toward…

Développement des capacités d'évaluation: une priorité grandissante

Il ressort du premier Rapport annuel sur le développement des capacités d'évaluation présenté par l'OED que la Banque mondiale a entrepris de renforcer son action à l'appui du renforcement des capacitÃ…

Evaluation Capacity Development: A Growing Priority

OED's first Annual Report on Evaluation Capacity Development (AREC) finds that the World Bank is increasing its support for Evaluation Capacity Development (ECD) activities and is currently active in 21 countries. ECD…

Maldives - The First and Second Education and Training Projects

This performance assessment report rates two projects in the Maldives: The Education and Training Project. For both projects, the project outcome is rated highly satisfactory.…

El desarrollo de la capacidad de evaluación: una prioridad cada vez más importante

El primer informe anual sobre el desarrollo de la capacidad de evaluación (Annual Report on Evaluation Capacity Development), preparado por el DEO, señala que el Banco Mundial está prestando un apoyo cada vez…