
Displaying 2321 - 2330 of 5577

An Independent Review of World Bank Support for Capacity Building in Africa: The Case of Mali

This study of Mali is one of six country case studies undertaken as part of an independent evaluation by the World Bank's Operations Evaluation Department (OED) of the relevance and effectiveness of Bank support for…

An Independent Review of World Bank Support for Capacity Building in Africa: The Case of Ethiopia

This study of Ethiopia is one of six country case studies undertaken as part of an independent evaluation by the World Bank's Operations Evaluation Department (OED) of the relevance and effectiveness of World Bank…

Chad - Population and Aids Control Project

The assessment of the Population and Aids Control Project for Chad differs from the completion report in the areas of outcome (moderately satisfactory instead of satisfactory) and institutional development impact (…

Tchad - Projet Population et Lutte Contre le SIDA

The assessment of the Population and Aids Control Project for Chad differs from the completion report in the areas of outcome (moderately satisfactory instead of satisfactory) and institutional development impact (…

République de Tunisie: Évaluation de l'aide au pays (Tunisia Country Assistance Evaluation in French)

La présente Évaluation de l'aide au pays (CAE) en Tunisie est la seconde initiative de coopération avec le Bureau d'évaluation des opérations (OEO) de la Banque Islamique de Développement et fait suite…

2004 Annual Report on Operations Evaluation

This year's Annual Report on Operations Evaluation assesses how results-oriented the Bank's monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems are, and the extent to which they contribute to managing for results. International…

Cambodia - Phnom Penh Power Rehabilitation Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) prepared by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) for the Cambodia-Phnom Penh Power Rehabilitation Project. The project was approved on September 28, 1995,…

Niger - First Education, Primary Education Development, and Basic Education Sector Projects

The audit concurs, by and large, with ratings by the Implementation Completion reports as follows: on the First Education, and the Primary Education Development Projects, ratings convey satisfactory project outcomes,…

Albania - Durres Water Supply and Sanitation Rehabilitation and Water Supply Urgent Rehabilitation Projects

Regarding the Durres Water and Sanitation Rehabilitation (DWSR) Project, the audit ratings differ from the Implementation Completion Report's, in that the assessment upgrades…

Bangladesh - Coastal Embankment Rehabilitation Project

The audit downgrades the Implementation Completion Report's ratings on project outcome and sustainability, to moderately satisfactory and unlikely, respectively; yet, it concurs with modest institutional development…