
Displaying 2301 - 2310 of 5577

Evaluation of World Bank Assistance to Pacific Member Countries (OED Reach for Pacific CAE)


2004 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness: The Bank's Contributions to Poverty Reduction (Statistical Annex)

The Bank has refocused its mission and corporate strategy to help contribute to poverty reduction, based on a two-pillar strategy which emphasizes growth and social issues, including empowerment and security. It has…

Reducing Rural Poverty in India: An Impact Evaluation o f Rural Investments in Andhra Pradesh (Approach Paper)

This is an approach paper for the study on Reducing Rural Poverty in India. The goal of the study will be to examine both World Bank and DFID supported interventions to reduce rural poverty. The selection of projects…

Niger - Energy Project

The audit conveys mixed ratings compared to those from the Implementation Completion Report, notably, it downgrades the overall project outcome to moderately satisfactory, concurs with likely sustainability, but…

The Poverty Reduction Strategy Initiative: Findings from 10 Country Case Studies of World Bank and IMF Support

The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) of the World Bank—independent units reporting to their respective institutions' Executive…

L'appui de la Banque mondiale au renforcement des capacités en Afrique: Un évaluation par l'OED

African countries need to improve the performance of their public sectors if they are going to achieve their goals of growth, poverty reduction, and the provision of better services for their citizens. Between 1995 and…

Capacity Building in Africa: An OED Evaluation of World Bank Support

African countries need to improve the performance of their public sectors if they are going to achieve their goals of growth, poverty reduction, and the provision of better services for their citizens. Between 1995 and…

Bulgaria - Water Companies Restructuring and Modernization Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the Water Companies Restructuring and Modernization Project, estimated (at appraisal) to cost US$131.0 million. The project was approved in May 1994 for an…

Republic of Madagascar: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)
