
Displaying 2721 - 2730 of 5577

Mejoramiento de la gestión de los programas de donaciones

Durante 30 años, las donaciones como instrumento operacional del Banco Mundial han sido objeto de controversia. En la práctica, han demostrado su utilidad en aquellas circunstancias en que no es posible atender a una…

Grant Programs: Improving Their Governance

For 30 years, grants have been controversial as a World Bank operational instrument. In practice, they have proven useful in circumstances where an important development need could not be met through lending or support…

Non-Governmental Organizations and Civil Society Engagement in World Bank Supported Projects: Lessons from OED Evaluations

In recent years the World Bank has greatly expanded its relationships with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs). The World Bank defines NGOs as private organizations that pursue…

The World Bank's Approach to Global Programs: An Independent Evaluation Phase 1

Management of global programs requires: (1) emulating the standards used for country operations; (2) instituting effective internal programming, quality assurance, and oversight processes; (3) diversifying the array of…

The World Bank's Approach to Global Programs: An Independent Evaluation Phase 1 (Annexes)

Management of global programs requires: (1) emulating the standards used for country operations; (2) instituting effective internal programming, quality assurance, and oversight processes; (3) diversifying the array of…

Respaldo a la reforma del sector de salud en Europa oriental

Al iniciar la difícil transición hacia una economía de mercado, los países de Europa oriental llegaron a la conclusión de que necesitaban reformar radicalmente el sector de salud. El alcance, el ritmo y los…

Soutenir la réforme du secteur de la santé en Europe orientale

Lorsqu'ils ont entrepris le difficile passage à une économie de marché, les pays d'Europe orientale se sont rendu compte qu'il leur fallait engager une réforme radicale de leur système de santé. L'…

Supporting Health Reform in Eastern Europe

As they undertook the difficult transition to a market economy, the countries of Eastern Europe found that they needed to radically reform their health sectors. The scope, pace, and outcome of the reforms eventually…

Proceedings from Workshops on Gender

The Operations Evaluation Department (OED) and the Gender and Development Board (GDB), along with the Regional Vice-Presidencies and other development partners, organized gender workshops in Manila, Nairobi, Quito, and…

Foreword, OED Regional Gender Workshops

Forward to proceedings from Workshops on Gender written by Jan Piercy.