
Displaying 3141 - 3150 of 5577

Azerbaijan: Reconstruction of an Economy (REACH)


Poverty Assessments: A Follow-up (REACH)


HNP Lending (REACH)


La réforme du secteur financier

Une étude du Département de l'évaluation des opérations (OED) sur l'aide apportée par la Banque mondiale au secteur financier confirme une idée de plus en plus répandue : les réformes…

Routes de desserte au Brésil

D'après une étude de l'OED* , l'amélioration, financée par la Banque mondiale, de plus de 1 500 kilomètres de routes dans l'État brésilien de Bahia, a aidé à développer la production agricole et à augmenter…

Investing in Health: Development Effectiveness in the Health, Nutrition and Population Sector

Since the 1970s, World Bank lending in the health, nutrition, and population (HNP) sector has grown from a modest start to a total portfolio of US$14 billion (1998). This volume is a synthesis of the first comprehensive…

World Bank Agricultural Extension Projects in Kenya


India - Gujarat Rural and States' Roads Projects

The audit concurs with the ICR in rating outcome of the Rural Roads Project as satisfactory and of States Roads Project as unsatisfactory, and in rating institutional development…

Indonesia - Central and West Java Provincial Irrigation Development Project and Second Irrigation Subsector Project

The audit covers both the Central and West Java Provincial Irrigation Development (CWJIP) and the Second Irrigation Sub-Sector (ISSP-II) projects. Both projects are assessed as…

Higher Impact Adjustment Lending (HIAL) in Sub-Saharan Africa

This study reviews the HIAL initiative introduced in the Africa Region in 1995. HIAL is aimed at enhancing adjustment lending (AL) through improved country selection and better program design. This study evaluates the…