
Displaying 2241 - 2250 of 5577

Mexico - Proyecto Ambiental de la Frontera Norte y de Ajuste Estructural Ambiental

Las clasificaciones del Proyecto Medioambiental en la Frontera Norte de México (NBEP, por sus siglas en inglés) y el Proyecto de Préstamos para Ajustes Estructurales…

Indonesia - Industrial Technology Development Project

Project ratings for the Indonesia Industrial Technology Development Project are as follows: Project outcome is moderately satisfactory; sustainability is unlikely; institutional development is modest; Bank performance…

Evaluating a Decade of World Bank Gender Policy: 1990-1999

As part of the Bank's poverty reduction mandate, the Bank's 1994 Operational Policy (OP) 4.20 on Gender Dimensions of Development aimed to reduce gender disparity and increase the participation of women in the economic…

Romania - Danube Delta Biodiversity Project

Project ratings for the Danube Delta Biodiversity Project for Romania are as follows: Project outcome is moderately satisfactory; sustainability is likely; institutional development impact is modest; Bank performance is…

Yemen: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

The Yemen Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) will review Bank assistance from FY99 to FY05, a period that covers two separate country assistance strategies—one issued in May 1999; and the other in August 2002. The…

Evaluation Capacity Development in the Republic of Ireland


Haïti - Projet de Développement Dans le Nord

This is a performance audit of the Rural Development Project in the Northern Department of Haiti. The audit finds that the PCR covers adequately the project's salient features, and…

2004 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness: The Bank's Contributions to Poverty Reduction (Full Report in Spanish)

The Bank has refocused its mission and corporate strategy to help contribute to poverty reduction, based on a two-pillar strategy which emphasizes growth and social issues, including empowerment and security. It has…

2004 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness: The Bank's Contributions to Poverty Reduction (Full Report in French)

The Bank has refocused its mission and corporate strategy to help contribute to poverty reduction, based on a two-pillar strategy which emphasizes growth and social issues, including empowerment and security. It has…