
Displaying 2621 - 2630 of 5582

Does the World Bank provide personal loans?


World Bank Operations Evaluation Department - The First 30 Years

The story of independent evaluation in the World Bank is more than 30 years in the making. But it is a story that has never been told, at least not fully. That is why during the course of 2002-03 the Bank's Operations…

Can I provide feedback or send comments on an IEG evaluation?


How can I order IEG documents?


I was unable to find an IEG document, can you help me?


Bangladesh - Agricultural Support Services, and Agricultural Research Management Projects

This audit downgrades the Implementation Completion Report ' s (ICR) assessment of the Agricultural Research Management Project (ARMP) to moderately unsatisfactory project outcomes, to an unlikely sustainability, and…

Initiative PPTE: Accomplissement et perspectives

L'Initiative en faveur des pays pauvres très endettés (Initiative PPTE) - destinée à alléger le fardeau excessif de la dette extérieure de certains des pays les plus pauvres de la planète - a étÃ…