
Displaying 2941 - 2950 of 5577

Impact du développement dans les villages de Java

Évaluant en 1999 l'aide que la Banque a fournie à l'Indonésie, l'OED a constaté que les projets ne mettaient pas suffisamment l'accent sur le recul de la pauvreté et que ceux à caractère agricole ne…

Progreso en las aldeas de Java

En la evaluación del DEO de 1999 referente a la asistencia del Banco a Indonesia se comprobó que los proyectos no estaban suficientemente orientados a la reducción de la pobreza y que los proyectos agrícolas…

Progress in Java's Villages

OED's 1999 evaluation of the Bank's assistance to Indonesia found that projects were not sufficiently geared to poverty re-duction and that agriculture projects had not been targeted at the poorest. To probe development…

Jordan - Energy Sector Adjustment Loan, First, Second, and Third Economic Reform and Development Loan Projects

The audit rates the performance of the Energy Sector Adjustment Loan (ESAL), and of the First, Second and Third Economic Reform and Development Loan Projects (ERDL I-III), as follows…

Chile - Primary Education Improvement Project

The project attained most of its targets and in many instances exceeded them. Though it did not profoundly change the operation of the Ministry of Education, it helped significantly…

Papua New Guinea - Country Assistance Evaluation

The report reviews Papua New Guinea's economic and social development in the 1990s and provides a Country Assistance Evaluation on the Bank's contribution to development. Although the Bank helped restore stability in…

An Analysis of Combating Iodine Deficiency: Case Studies of China, Indonesia and Madagascar


Philippines - Engineering and Science Education Project and Second Vocational Training Project

The audit report rates the outcomes of both the Engineering and Science Education Project (ESEP) and Second Vocational Training Project (VTP II) as satisfactory. Both projects were…

Kazakhstan Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) assesses the Bank assistance to Kazakhstan, from December 1991, when the country secured its independence, to March 2000. Through adjustment lending, and some investment lending/…

Romania - Financial and Enterprise Sector Adjustment Loan Project and Social Protection Adjustment Loan Project

The outcome of both the Financial and Enterprise Sector Adjustment Loan (FESAL) Project and the Social Protection Adjustment Loan (SPAL) Project were rated as marginally satisfactory…