
Displaying 3331 - 3340 of 5577

Sri Lanka - Community Water Supply and Sanitation Project


India - Comparative Review of Rural Water Systems Experience: The Rajasthan Water Supply and Sewerage Project, and the Rural Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Projects for Maharashtra and Karnataka

It was found that while the various schemes are helping to reduce the deficit in rural water supply and increase water coverage, they have done little to foster local organizational capacity. Involvement of users in…

Mauritania - Second Livestock Project

This report focuses on the project's performance in developing pastoral cooperative associations (PCAs), and reviews their development, current position, and the issues arising in their continued evolution, two years…

The Brazil Health System

World Bank health programs in Brazil have been relevant, but results have been uneven. Bank-supported programs have helped to control the spread of serious tropical diseases, improved access to health services in poor…

The Impact of World Bank support to the HNP sector in Zimbabwe

This study evaluates Bank performance in supporting projects to expand health services and fund pharmaceutical purchases, and the influence of Bank policy dialogue and sector work, both at the macroeconomic and sectoral…

The Transport Sector in Mexico : an Evaluation


The World Bank and the Health Sector in Mali


Hungary - Second Structural Adjustment Loan

This performance audit report rates the Second Structural Adjustment Loan for Hungary. The audit rates the overall project outcome as marginally satisfactory, taking into account the…

India - Third National Agricultural Extension Project (NAEP III)

This performance audit report rates the Third National Agricultural Extension Project in India. It was prepared by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) following a mission visit…

Brazil - Brazil - The Highway Management and Rehabilitation Project, the State Highway Management Project, the Federal Railway Export Corridor Project, and the FEPASA Railway Rehabilitation Project

This performance audit report rates a series of four projects in Brazil: the Highway Management and Rehabilitation Project, the State Highway Management Project, the Federal Railway…