
Displaying 5501 - 5510 of 5577

Mexico - Third Power Sector Project

The objective of the Cooperative Farms Project for Tunisia is: (1) the creation of 160 new agricultural production cooperative (UCPs) averaging 1,000 ha each on 160,000 ha of state…

Brazil - Power Distribution Projects

The objective of the Cooperative Farms Project for Tunisia is: (1) the creation of 160 new agricultural production cooperative (UCPs) averaging 1,000 ha each on 160,000 ha of state…

Kenya - Second Highway Project

The objective of the Cooperative Farms Project for Tunisia is: (1) the creation of 160 new agricultural production cooperative (UCPs) averaging 1,000 ha each on 160,000 ha of state…

Kenya - Second Kenya Tea Development Authority Project

The objective of the Cooperative Farms Project for Tunisia is: (1) the creation of 160 new agricultural production cooperative (UCPs) averaging 1,000 ha each on 160,000 ha of state…

Costa Rica - Agricultural Credit Project

The objective of the Cooperative Farms Project for Tunisia is: (1) the creation of 160 new agricultural production cooperative (UCPs) averaging 1,000 ha each on 160,000 ha of state…

Finland - Third Development Bank Project

The objective of the Cooperative Farms Project for Tunisia is: (1) the creation of 160 new agricultural production cooperative (UCPs) averaging 1,000 ha each on 160,000 ha of state…

Kenya - Smallholder Agricultural Credit Project

The Smallholder Agricultural Credit Project for Kenya was marginally satisfactory. The project achieved some of its objectives, its impact on institutional development was significant…

Mexico - Third Road Project

The Smallholder Agricultural Credit Project for Kenya was marginally satisfactory. The project achieved some of its objectives, its impact on institutional development was significant…

Turkey - Eighth Industrial Development Bank (TSKB) Project

This report covers an audit of achievements accomplished under Loan 589-TU, made to the Turkiye Sinai Kalkinma Bankasi A.S.(TSKB). The TSKB is the first private development finance…

Ethiopia - Third Highway Project

This is a project performance audit report of Third Highway Project for Ethiopia. The project aimed at integrating the country and promoting, in particular, its agricultural potential…