
Displaying 2531 - 2540 of 5577

CDF Evaluation Working Paper: Comprehensive Development
Framework Evaluation Results Orientation - An Early Look

This report finds that many, if not most, donors appear at least in very recent years to be beginning to direct activities to results-oriented efforts. Donors appear supportive of the resultsorientation principle, at…

CDF Evaluation Working Paper: Romania Case Study

This report presents the findings and conclusions of an international team that has reviewed the experience of Romania in implementing the principles of the Comprehensive Development Framework long-term, holistic…

CDF Evaluation Working Paper: Uganda Case Study

This report presents the findings of an international team that has reviewed the experience of Uganda in implementing the principles of the "Comprehensive Development Framework" (CDF). Uganda is the first of six country…

CDF Evaluation Working Paper: Vietnam Case Study

This study is one of six country case studies conducted as part of a multi-partner evaluation of implementation of the CDF. The report presents the findings of an international team tasked with assessing the extent to…

Toward Country-Led Development: A Multi-Partner Evaluation of the CDF

Central to the Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) is the belief that the way aid is delivered, not just its content, has an important influence on its effectiveness, and that poverty reduction is the fundamental…

Toward Country-Led Development: A Multi-Partner Evaluation of the CDF (Precis in Japanese)

Central to the Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) is the belief that the way aid is delivered, not just its content, has an important influence on its effectiveness, and that poverty reduction is the fundamental…

Cameroon - Operations Evaluation Department (OED) review of Republic of Cameroon 1996 country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR)

The Country Assistance Strategy or CAS Completion Report (CCR) covers the period 1996-02. The January 1996 CAS was followed by Progress Reports in 1998 and 2000.' Over time the Bank…

Romania - Industrial Development Project and Private Sector Adjustment Loan Project

The audit conveys mixed ratings, and differs with the Implementation Completion Report (ICR) and Evaluation Summary (ES) ratings as follows: the Industrial Development Project (IDP)…

Efficient, Sustainable Service for All? An OED Review of the World Bank's Assistance to Water Supply and Sanitation

This OED study, which is primarily a desk review, updates the findings of a 1992 OED review of the Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) sector and follows up on selected key sectoral issues identified as part of OED's more…

Dominican Republic: Country Assistance Evaluation

This evaluation of the Bank's assistance program for the Dominican Republic, covers the period from FY85 to FY02. The Bank was a small player in the economy, compared to the Inter-American Development Bank, while annual…