
Displaying 631 - 640 of 5577

Benin - Completion and learning review for the period FY13-FY18 : IEG review

This review of the World Bank Group’s Completion and Learning Report (CLR) covers the period of the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) (FY13-17) and the Performance and Learning Review (PLR) which extended the CPS…

Turkey - Istanbul seismic risk mitigation and emergency preparedness project

Turkey faces high vulnerability to earthquakes, with Istanbul posing the most serious risk due its high seismic risk and its role as the population and economic center of Turkey. A major earthquake near Istanbul in…

Turkey - Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness Project

This version of the PPAR report has been translated to Turkish. Turkey faces high vulnerability to earthquakes, with Istanbul posing the most serious risk due its high seismic risk and its role as the population and…

Burkina Faso - Completion and learning review for the period of FY13-FY16 : IEG review

Burkina Faso is a low-income country with a GNI per capita of $620 in 2016. During 2013-2016, annual GDP growth averaged 5.0 percent, but annual GDP per capita growth was only 1.9 percent due to high population growth.…

Role in Global Issues: An Independent Evaluation of the World Bank Group Convening Power (Approach Paper)

Recent World Bank Group (WBG) strategy documents, including the Forward Look, reiterated the importance of the WBG’s leadership role in dealing with global challenges and positioned the organization’s ability to work at…

Bolivia - reducing maternal and infant mortality : a multi-project evaluation of 16 years of World Bank support to the health sector

Bolivia’s poor maternal and child health outcomes were of great concern in the 1990s. Infant and child mortality rates were 67 and 92 per 1,000 live births in 1998, and maternal mortality was 390 per 100,000 live births…
Key Takeaways from the Launch of the Results and Performance of the World Bank Group Report

Doing More and Doing Better: Key Takeaways from the Launch of the Results and Performance of the World Bank Group Report

For me, what was most insightful: in areas where Management had set clear goals, we observed positive trends. In others, investments even declined. What is empowering about this finding is the “power of signaling…

Mexico - support to the social protection system in health project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report for the Mexico Social Protection in Health Project (P116226). The project, approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on March 25, 2010, provided an…
Creating Jobs in the Rural Non Farm Economy

Creating Jobs in the Rural Non-Farm Economy

Global Stakeholder Forum to explore solutions for creating employment opportunities and improving livelihoods in the rural non-farm economy. Leading experts will share insights from across the globe to foster discussion…

Central African Republic - Emergency Food Crisis Response and Agriculture Re-launch Project

This is a Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) on the World Bank Emergency Food Crises and Agriculture Re-launch project designed to provide emergency assistance to vulnerable populations in the Central African…