
Displaying 5481 - 5490 of 5578

Tunisia - El Borma - Gades Gas Pipeline Project

The Highway Projects in West Pakistan was successfully implemented with relatively minor difficulties and the investments have turned out to have had higher returns than expected. The…

Yugoslavia - First, Second and Third Industrial Modernization Projects

The Highway Projects in West Pakistan was successfully implemented with relatively minor difficulties and the investments have turned out to have had higher returns than expected. The…

Third Irrigation Project Mexico

The Highway Projects in West Pakistan was successfully implemented with relatively minor difficulties and the investments have turned out to have had higher returns than expected. The…

Argentina - Third Buenos Aires Power Project

The Highway Projects in West Pakistan was successfully implemented with relatively minor difficulties and the investments have turned out to have had higher returns than expected. The…

Tunisia - Second Port Project

The Highway Projects in West Pakistan was successfully implemented with relatively minor difficulties and the investments have turned out to have had higher returns than expected. The…

Brazil - Highway Construction Project

The main objective of the First Highway Project in Brazil was to raise revenues. The Government and the Bank selected a basic strategy to deal with the problem. First, the need for a…

Tanzania - Livestock Development Project

The main objective of the First Highway Project in Brazil was to raise revenues. The Government and the Bank selected a basic strategy to deal with the problem. First, the need for a…

Colombia - Education Project

The main objective of the First Highway Project in Brazil was to raise revenues. The Government and the Bank selected a basic strategy to deal with the problem. First, the need for a…

Philippines - Fourth Power Project

The main objective of the First Highway Project in Brazil was to raise revenues. The Government and the Bank selected a basic strategy to deal with the problem. First, the need for a…

Tunisia - Cooperative Farm Project

The objective of the Cooperative Farms Project for Tunisia is: (1) the creation of 160 new agricultural production cooperative (UCPs) averaging 1,000 ha each on 160,000 ha of state…