
Displaying 2021 - 2030 of 5577

India - Ecodevelopment Project

The overall aim of the India Ecodevelopment Project, approved in 1996, was to conserve biological diversity in seven globally significant protected areas (PAs) by implementing an ecodevelopment strategy (prepared by the…

Madagascar - Second Phase Environment Program Project

This is a Project Performance Assessment of the second phase of Madagascar's Environment Program, or EP II (P001537). A multi-donor investment program launched in 1991 with the support of a broad coalition of donors,…

Colombia - Financial Markets Development Technical Assistance Project, Financial Sector Adjustment Loan, and First and Second Programmatic Financial Sector Adjustment Loan Projects

In regard to project performance assessment ratings, the Financial Markets Development Technical Assistance Project of Colombia had the following ratings: outcome was moderately satisfactory; sustainability was likely;…

Albania - National Roads, Emergency Road Repair, and Durres Port Projects

In regard to project performance assessment ratings, the Albania National Roads Project had the following ratings: outcome was moderately satisfactory; risk to development outcome was significant; Bank performance was…

Mali - The National Agricultural Research Project (NARP), the Agricultural Trading and Processing Promotion Pilot Project (ATPPP), and the Pilot Private Irrigation Promotion Project (PPP)

Several lessons of both a substantive and procedural nature have emerged from this review: (1) Meeting the challenge of pro-poor agricultural growth requires addressing a number of institutional constraints that farmers…

Ethiopia - Seeds Systems Development Project and National Fertilizer Sector Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) of the Ethiopia Seed Systems Development Project (SSDP) and the Ethiopia National Fertilizer Sector Project (NFSP). The Seed Systems Development Project's outcome…

Chile - Second Municipal Development Project

The ratings for the Second Municipal Development Project of Chile were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory; risk to development outcome was negligible or low; Bank performance was moderately satisfactory;…

Ghana - AIDS Response Project (GARFUND)

The objectives of the Ghana AIDS Response Project (GARFUND) were to (1) intensify multi-sectoral activities designed to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS, and (2) reduce its impact on those already affected by HIV/AIDS.…

India - First and Second Tamil Nadu Urban Development Projects

The Tamil Nadu Urban Development Project (TNUDF) had the following ratings: outcome was moderately satisfactory; institutional development impact was modest; risk to development outcome was significant; Bank performance…

Egypt Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

This country assistance evaluation will evaluate the relevance of Bank objectives in the context of the development constraints facing Egypt at the time the CASs were prepared, and the realism of Bank assistance…