
Displaying 3101 - 3110 of 5577

Poverty Assessments - Maximizing Impact

In its second review of poverty assessments since the Bank set the goal of completing a poverty assessment for each borrower - 101 have now been done - the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) reports that there has…

Les Évaluations de Pauvreté Maximiser leur Impact

LES EVALUATIONS DE PAUVRETÉ SONT UN INSTRUMENT CLÉ DE la stratégie de la Banque pour la réduction de la pauvreté. Elles ont pour objet d'évaluer la gravité et les causes de la pauvreté dans un…

Evaluaciones de la pobreza cómo conseguir una mayor repercusión

La evaluacion de la pobreza es un instrumento clave de la estrategia del Banco para reducir la pobreza. Su objetivo es determinar el alcance y las causas de la pobreza en un país dado y proponer una estrategia para…

Monitoring and Evaluation Capacities in Ghana: A Diagnosis and Proposed Action Plan


Uganda - Post-Conflict Reconstruction (Country Case Study)

This review of Uganda is one of a series of field-based country case studies assessing the Bank's recent experiences with post-conflict reconstruction. Other studies in this series include El Salvador and Bosnia and…

El Salvador - Post-Conflict Reconstruction (Country Case Study)


Bosnia-Herzegovina - Post-Conflict Reconstruction (Country Case Study)


Meeting India's Energy Needs (1978-1998): A Country Sector Review

This report evaluates the performance of Bank lending and nonlending activities in India's energy sector. In particular it assesses the impact that changes of the early 1990s in the Bank's strategy toward the sector…

Supplemental Tables to the 1999 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness
