
Displaying 3041 - 3050 of 5577

Madagascar - Food Security and Nutrition Project

This audit report agrees with the implementation completion report on the satisfactory outcome and likely sustainability rating of the food and nutrition security project. Lessons…

Gambia - Women in Development Project

The Women in Development (WID) Project was rated as satisfactory. The audit report found that the factors that contributed to the satisfactory outcome included sustained government…

Poland - Forest Biodiversity Protection Project

Overall, project outcome is satisfactory, sustainability is likely, and the institutional development impact is substantial. Although the Implementation Completion Report re-…

Kenya - Third Forestry Project and Forestry Development Project

This audit report rates the outcome of the Third Forestry Project as marginally satisfactory and Forestry Development Project as unsatisfactory. Losses from forest plantation estate…

Belarus - Forest Biodiversity Protection Project

The outcome of the project is rated satisfactory, though sustainability remain uncertain, based on Belarus weak economic, and financial aspects, which limit funding for national parks…

India - Integrated Watershed Development - Hills - and - Plains - Projects

The audit concurs with the Implementation Completion Report's ratings of both the Integrated Watershed Development (Hills), and (Plains) Projects, assessing satisfactory outcomes,…

Argentina - Capital Markets Development Project

The audit rates the outcome of the project as unsatisfactory, sustainability as unlikely, with negligible institutional development impacts, and unsatisfactory Bank, and Borrower's…

Argentina - First Municipal Development Project

The audit downgrades the assessment of outcome to marginally satisfactory, though concurs with the uncertain sustainability, and substantial institutional development impact ratings…

Turkey - Izmir Water Supply and Sewerage, Istanbul Water Supply and Sewerage, and Ankara Sewerage Projects

This report audits three projects, assessing mixed results, for while the Izmir Water Supply and Sewerage Project (IZWSS) is rated highly satisfactory, its sustainability is unlikely…

Argentina - Flood Rehabilitation Project

The audit concurs with the Implementation Completion Report's overall satisfactory ratings, and likely sustainability. However, it downgrades the institutional development impact to…