
Displaying 151 - 160 of 5578

Moldova - Completion and Learning Review of the Country Partnership Framework for FY18-FY22 : IEG Review

This review of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the period of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) FY18-21, including its update in the…
Colorful South African fabric face masks for Covid-19 protection hanging out to dry on a clothesline. Photo: Kelly Ermis/Shutterstock

The World Bank’s Early Support to Addressing COVID-19

The first of two reports focused on the early response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), this evaluation assesses how well the World Bank responded to the immediate health threat and how well it focused on protecting…
Reader publication
Ukraine CPE

The World Bank Group in Ukraine, 2012–20

This evaluation reviews the effectiveness of the World Bank Group’s partnership with Ukraine during 2012–20 and contains lessons that can inform the Bank Group’s support for recovery and reconstruction in the country.
Reader publication
Foreman controls the recycle waste separation of recyclable waste plants. Waste plastic bottles and other types of plastic waste.

Can the Private Sector Accelerate the Shift to a Circular Economy?

How can the World Bank Group effectively address constraints to foster the power of the private sector in municipal solid waste management? Evidence from groundbreaking projects shows that collaboration and continuity…

Bhutan - Fiscal Sustainability and Investment Climate Development Policy Credit Series

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) evaluates a development policy credit (DPC) series for Bhutan consisting of the First and Second Fiscal Sustainability and Investment…
Scaling Up Action On Disaster Risk Reduction: A Critical Step For Climate Change Adaptation And Building Resilience

Scaling Up Action On Disaster Risk Reduction: A Critical Step For Climate Change Adaptation And Building Resilience

Discussion on what it will take to scale up disaster risk reduction to build resilience and meet the challenges ahead
Modern building with curving roof and glass steel column.

2022: Independent Evaluation Group Validation of the Management Action Record

The Management Action Record (MAR) system tracks follow-up to IEG evaluations. This document validates management’s self-assessment covering FY18–­­21.
A man surrounded by vegetables and greens at his place at Indian Bazaar. A mix of colors and textures. Captured in India, Uttar Pradesh, Varanasi.

Sustainable Diversification of Agrifood Economies – Insights and Lessons

Public support for agriculture has historically been directed towards the production of staple foods, such as rice and wheat, or export commodities. In many developing countries, this often creates an uneven playing…

Evaluation of World Bank Group Support to Creating an Enabling Environment for Private Sector Participation in Climate Action, Fiscal Years 2013–22 (Approach Paper)

The objective of the evaluation is to derive lessons from Bank Group experience in improving the enabling environment for private sector participation in climate action. The evaluation will assess the relevance and…

Cote d’Ivoire - Completion and Learning Review of the Country Partnership Framework FY16 - FY21 : IEG Review
