
Displaying 3031 - 3040 of 5577

Kenya - Third and Fourth Population Projects

The audit ratings for both the Third, and Fourth Population Project assess unsatisfactory outcomes, unlikely sustainability, and negligible institutional development impacts. Failure…

Colombia - Second Rural Roads Sector Project and Third National Highway Sector Project

The outcome of the two projects is rated satisfactory. Institutional development impact is rated modest in the rural project and substantial in the national project. Sustainability is…

Burkina Faso - Primary Education and Fourth Education Projects

The audit downgrades ratings for the Primary Education (PEP) and Fourth Education (EPIV) Projects, assessing the PEP outcome as marginally unsatisfactory, with uncertain…

Uganda - Northern Uganda Reconstruction Project

The audit downgrades the project rating to marginally satisfactory, in light of higher than expected project expenditures, which undermined the efficiency, and achievement of…

Egypt - Country Assistance Evaluation

The focus of this evaluation is on the period since 1990. Until 1990, lending was concentrated on investments in industry and finance, infrastructure, power, and agriculture. Starting in 1991, the Bank's strategy…

Tunisia - Municipal Sector Investment Project

The audit rates the outcome of the project as satisfactory, sustainability as likely, and the institutional development impact as substantial, highlighting sector issues relevant for…

Mauritius - Sugar Energy Development Project

Overall, the outcome of the project is rated as satisfactory, institutional development was substantial, and sustainability is likely. However, the Bank, and Borrower performances…

Rural development - from vision to action? - Phase II

The report covers the Second Phase evaluation of the Bank ' s rural development strategy, - From Vision to Action - examines partners perceptions on the strategy in five countries, - Latvia, Morocco, Mozambique, Peru,…

Nigeria - Environmental Management Project

This audit concurs with the Implementation Completion Reports rating of the Environmental Management Project's outcome as satisfactory, with uncertain sustainability, satisfactory…

Brazil - First Minas Gerais Water Quality and Pollution Control Project

The First Minas Gerais Water Quality and Pollution Control Project's implementation completion report (ICR) rated outcome as satisfactory. This project performance audit report (PAR)…