
Displaying 2791 - 2800 of 5577

Republic of Congo - Public Enterprise Institutional Development Project (PEIDP), the Economic Recovery Credit Project (ERC), and the Privatization and Capacity Building Project (PCBP)

The outcomes of all three projects was adversely affected by resistance to reform, civil unrest resulting from political instability, a continuing exchange rate crisis, and oil price…

India: Improving the Development Effectiveness of Assistance (Precis based on India Country Assistance Evaluation)

Bank assistance has become more pro-poor in recent years, but the Bank should make greater efforts to monitor systematically the impacts of Bank-assisted projects and programs on poverty and gender and to mainstream…

Connecting with the Information Revolution (Précis based on Information Infrastructure: The World Bank Group's Experience)

The explosion of the Internet has brought about an increasingly rapid convergence of information and communication technolo-gies, launching an information revolution that could reshape society and commerce in the global…

Promoting Environmentally Sustainable Development

In its first review of the World Bank's environmental policies and activities since the Bank's Environment Department was created in 1987, the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) finds that Bank performance has…

ARDE 2001: Making Choices

Précis is based on the 2001 Annual Review of Development Effectiveness: Making Choices, Report No. 23342. In response to a complex and rapidly changing development agenda, the World Bank has adapted and expanded its…

India: The Challenges of Development Overview of Sectoral Assistance Evaluations An OED Country Assistance Evaluation

This Working Paper also serves as volume 2 of the India Country Assistance Evaluation, India: The Challenges of Development. Included in this volume, in addition to the introductory text, taken from Chapter 4 of the…

Haiti Country Assistance Evaluation (REACH)

Haiti's real per capita income fell during the last 15 years, and roughly two-thirds of the population lives in poverty, with economic and social indicators comparable to those of the poorest countries in the world.…

Se rallier à la révolution de l'information

En favorisant une convergence de plus en plus rapide des technologies de l'information et des communications, l'explosion des services d'internet a engendré une révolution qui pourrait redéfinir les relations…

Promouvoir un développement écologiquement viable

Au terme de son premier examen des politiques et des activités environnementales de la Banque depuis la création du département de l'environnement en 1987, le département de l'évaluation des opérations…

Améliorer l'efficacité de l'aide au développement en Inde

Plus d'un quart de la population pauvre de la planète (soit 300 millions de personnes) vivent en Inde ; la réalisation de l'objectif de développement pour le millénaire qui est de réduire de moitié la…