
Displaying 2111 - 2120 of 5577

Experiencia con la institucionalización de sistemas de monitoreo y evaluación en cinco países latinoamericanos: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica y Uruguay

Este documento presenta un análisis comparativo entre las experiencias de cinco países con la institucionalización de sistemas nacionales de monitoreo y evaluación (MyE). Entre las lecciones obtenidas se…

Annual Review of Development Effectiveness 2006: Getting Results

The "results agenda" adopted by the World Bank and other donors aims to ensure that development assistance yields sustainable poverty reduction. Effective poverty reduction results from three main factors: sustained and…

New Renewable Energy: a review of the World Bank's assistance

The purpose of this review by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank is to inform the efforts to scale up the Bank's support for renewable energy by evaluating the performance of the Bank's current…

Uganda - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) for the period FY2001-FY2003 : IEG review

Progress toward attaining the main objectives of the FY01-03 CAS program-increasing the ability of the poor to raise their incomes, improving the quality of their lives, creating an…

Impact Evaluation: The experience of the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank

Impact evaluation is an assessment of the impact of an intervention on final welfare outcomes. The results agenda has forced agencies to demonstrate that the money they spend is improving the lives of poor people,…

Committing to Results: Improving the Effectiveness of HIV/AIDS Assistance - An OED Evaluation of the World Bank's Assistance for HIV/AIDS Control (complete report in Spanish)

This evaluation assesses the development effectiveness of the World Bank's country-level HIV/AIDS assistance defined as policy dialogue, analytic work, and lending with the explicit objective of reducing the scope or…

Seven Findings for the Nexus of Infrastructure, Agriculture, and the Environment

Development thinking has come in waves. The emphasis has shifted from infrastructure, to agriculture, to the macro economy, to human development. There is renewed interest in infrastructure and agriculture at the World…

The Effectiveness of World Bank Support for Community-Based and -Driven Development: Safeguard Policy Review

This is a country case study on Egypt undertaken as an input to an Independent Evaluation Group study of the World Bank's support for community-based development (CBD) and community-driven development (CDD) efforts. The…

Honduras - Public Sector Modernization Structural Adjustment and Technical Assistance Credit Projects

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) of the Public Sector Modernization Structural Adjustment Credit (PSMSAC-C2816) and the associated Public Sector Modernization Technical Assistance Credit (PSMTAC-…

Impact Evaluation -- The Experience of the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank

Impact evaluation is an assessment of the impact of an intervention on final welfare outcomes. The results agenda has forced agencies to demonstrate that the money they spend is improving the lives of poor people,…