
Displaying 5241 - 5250 of 5578

Cameroon - Education Project

The Yugoslavia Fifth Highway Project supported the execution of the third and final phase of a highway program submitted to the Bank in 1968. The civil works component of the project…

Brazil - Estreito and Porto Colombia Hydroelectric Projects

The Yugoslavia Fifth Highway Project supported the execution of the third and final phase of a highway program submitted to the Bank in 1968. The civil works component of the project…

Chile - Third Education Project

The Yugoslavia Fifth Highway Project supported the execution of the third and final phase of a highway program submitted to the Bank in 1968. The civil works component of the project…

Iran - Tehran Urban Transport Project

The Yugoslavia Fifth Highway Project supported the execution of the third and final phase of a highway program submitted to the Bank in 1968. The civil works component of the project…

Zambia - Small and Medium Scale Industry Development Project

The Yugoslavia Fifth Highway Project supported the execution of the third and final phase of a highway program submitted to the Bank in 1968. The civil works component of the project…

Indonesia - Second North Sumatra Agricultural Estates Project

The Yugoslavia Fifth Highway Project supported the execution of the third and final phase of a highway program submitted to the Bank in 1968. The civil works component of the project…

Chile - Second Highway Maintenance Project

The Yugoslavia Fifth Highway Project supported the execution of the third and final phase of a highway program submitted to the Bank in 1968. The civil works component of the project…

Malagasy Republic - Port of Tamative Project

The Port of Tamative Project in Malagasy Republic was successful. In retrospect the International Development Association (IDA) role has been basically a constructive one. The…

Mali - Second Railway Project

The Port of Tamative Project in Malagasy Republic was successful. In retrospect the International Development Association (IDA) role has been basically a constructive one. The…

Nicaragua - Second Managua Water Supply and Earthquake Reconstruction Projects

The Port of Tamative Project in Malagasy Republic was successful. In retrospect the International Development Association (IDA) role has been basically a constructive one. The…