
Displaying 1911 - 1920 of 5577

An Evaluation of Bank Support for Decentralization in Client Countries (FTB)

Developing countries have decentralized functions and responsibilities for service delivery to lower levels of government at an increasing pace in recent years. The main reasons for such reforms are often political,…

Costa Rica - Country Partnership Strategy : CAS Completion Report - IEG review

This review covers the FY04 country partnership strategy (CPS) and the FY07 CPS progress report. The FY04 CPS was a key step in establishing a framework for a closer partnership…

Supporting Environmental Sustainability: An Evaluation of World Bank Group Experience, 1990-2007 (FTB)

The Bank Group's lending and non-lending support for environmental sustainability has increased and improved over the past 15 years. But the institution needs to raise the priority it accords to this area of rising…

The Quality of Growth: Fiscal Policies for Better Results

Strong global growth and better economic policies in recent years have substantially reduced poverty in many developing countries. However, with the recent financial crisis originated in the United States, the world…

Environmental Sustainability: An Evaluation of World Bank Group Support

This evaluation assesses the Bank Group's support for environmental sustainability—in both the public and private sectors—over the past 15 years. The purpose of this evaluation is threefold. First, it seeks to…

Azerbaijan - Farm Privatization Project, and Agricultural Development and Credit Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report reviews two projects that supported Azerbaijan's comprehensive land and agricultural reform program. Between them the projects pioneered Azerbaijan's reform program over its…

Egypt: Country Assistance Evaluation (FTB)

This is a Fast Track Brief for Egypt Country Assistance Evaluation. IEG finds that in general there was progress on many of the objectives of World Bank assistance to Egypt, and the overall outcome of the Bank's…

An Independent Evaluation of the World Bank/IFC Doing Business Indicators (FTB)

The Doing Business Indicators, an annual World Bank-IFC publication launched in 2004, has become one of the Bank Group's flagship knowledge products. This independent evaluation of the Doing Business Indicators assesses…

Using Training to Build Capacity for Development: An Evaluation of Project-based and WBI Training

Training is one of the primary means by which the World Bank supports capacity building. Over 90% of Bank-financed training is funded through investment projects, with the rest done by the World Bank Institute (WBI).…

The World Bank in Georgia, 1993-2007 (CAE)

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) assesses the outcomes of the World Bank program in Georgia from 1993 to 2007. The CAE identifies three subperiods (1993–97, 1998–2003, and 2004–07) that emerge based on…