
Displaying 2461 - 2470 of 5577

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Emergency Recovery, Emergency Landmines Clearance, Emergency Demobilization and Reintegration, Local Initiative, and Republika Srpska Reconsturction Assistance Projects

The objectives of the Emergency Recovery Project (ERP) were substantially relevant to both Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH ' s) own reconstruction needs and policy and to the Bank ' s own strategy in support of post-…

Evaluation of World Bank Assistance on Trade (Approach Paper)

Three main factors underpin the Trade Assistance Evaluation. First, while several evaluations of Bank assistance on trade for individual projects or specific programs occurred up to the early nineties, no comprehensive…

World Bank Support for Public Sector Capacity Building in Sub-Saharan Africa: An OED Evaluation (Approach Paper)

The Operations Evaluation Department (OED) will conduct an independent assessment of the relevance and effectiveness of Bank support for public sector capacity building in Sub-Saharan Africa over the past ten years, and…

Promoting Improvements in Ghana's Basic Education (Reach)

Delivery of hardware inputs to Ghana's basic education system - building classrooms and supplying textbooks - has had a substantial impact on higher enrollments and better learning outcomes. The Bank's support for…

Rwanda Country Assistance Evaluation (Reach)

During the 1990s, Rwanda was overwhelmed by ethnic strife, which led to civil war in 1990-93, and to the 1994 genocide, with the loss of 12 percent of the population and dislocation of many more. GDP dropped by 50…

Brazil Country Assistance Evaluation (Reach)

During the 1990s Brazil was able to stabilize its economy and articulate a clear development agenda. Poverty rates declined, especially due to success with stabilization. Social indicators improved significantly,…

Vietnam - First Highway Rehabilitation Project and First Rural Transport Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR), prepared by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED), covers two recently completed transport sector projects in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The first, Highway…

Two Generations of Performance Evaluation and Management System in Australia

The Australian experience with a centrally-driven system of performance evaluation shows how evaluation findings can support the annual budget process. In contrast, the second generation system, which has taken a…

Sector Lessons Note: OED's Seven Leading Rural Lessons

The purpose of this brief, informal note is to outline what OED Rural Cluster staff consider the seven most important project lessons drawn, approximately, from two years of project evaluation results (2001-2002).. The…

Social Development Matters (OED Reach)

Addressing relevant social development themes is strongly associated with successful project outcomes. Moreover, the more social themes a project addresses, the better its outcome, sustainability, and institutional…