
Displaying 3561 - 3570 of 5577

Reforming Agriculture: the World Bank goes to Market

This report assesses the Bank's experience with the 50 agricultural adjustment operations (AGSECALs) that have been carried out since 1979. The review finds that the shift in focus of these operations - from support for…

World Bank Lending for Large Dams: A Preliminary Review of Impacts


Irrigation Investment in Pakistan


Préstamos del Banco Mundial para grandes represas: examen preliminar de sus repercusiones

Los proyectos de grandes represas son polémicos. Sus defensores señalan los beneficios que éstas ofrecen para el desarrollo económico y social, al suministrar energía eléctrica y agua de riego para la…

Inversiones para el riego en Pakistán

El sistema de riego de la cuenca del Indo, en Pakistán, es la red de riego integrada más grande del mundo. Cubre 16 millones de hectáreas y da vida a la agricultura, que proporciona empleo a más de la mitad…

Zimbabwe - Family Health Project

Consistent with the findings in the Project Completion Report (PCR), ratings for the Zimbabwe - Family Health Project were as follows: The project was rated as satisfactory,…

Jordan - Water Supply and Sewerage Project

Consistent with the findings in the Project Completion Report (PCR), ratings for the Zimbabwe - Family Health Project were as follows: The project was rated as satisfactory,…

The Aga Khan Rural Support Program: A Third Evaluation

The program's primary purpose is to involve rural people in their own development and to provide a model of rural development that is applicable in other settings. This evaluation describes the impact of the program on…

Training Extension Agents in Nepal


Capacitación de agentes de extensión agrícola en Nepal

El Proyecto de formación de recursos humanos para la agricultura en Nepal tenía por objeto atender la imperiosa necesidad de capacitar agentes de extensión para ayudar a los agricultores a aumentar la…